Patient RFID Wristband


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Patient RFID Wristband

Tuairisgeul goirid:

The Patient RFID Wristband is a closed, secure, and difficult-to-remove wristband designed for authorized persons. It features customizable options like logos, barcodes, QR codes, and other identifying information. Made of reflective film and PVC/Vinyl, these wristbands are compatible with various RFID chips and can be delivered via various shipping methods.

Cuir post-d thugainn

Roinn sinn:

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

Patient RFID Wristband is adjusted to the right position by a closed clip, and the wristband cannot be removed unless it is cut or torn off. Because of its design, the RFID wristband can only be used by authorized persons and is difficult to remove.
Slogans, visual identifying information like barcodes or QR codes, and other customization options are available for the wristband. Barcode scanners placed at the entry, cafeteria, or other access points can read these identifying numbers, making it easier for staff to administer and provide services.

These wristbands are equipped with NFC chips that can be read by regular RFID scanners, and they employ radio frequency technology. Short-range communication is made possible by its antenna, and permission management is accomplished by the access control system recognizing the person by scanning the RFID chip’s unique identity.

Patient RFID Wristband



PVC / Vinyl Wristband
Stuth Reflective film+PVC / Vinyl
Meud 250*25mm(Wide Shape) / 250*16mm(L shape)
Dath Stock Colors: Dearg, Orange, Buidhe, Uaine, Gorm, Purple, Pink, Sliver, Light Blue, Orange Red


–Clò-bhualadh sìoda

(PVC material just supports one color printing)





Serial Number

QR Code(Unchanged)

Bar code(Unchanged)

Pacaid Inner Package: 10pcs/sheet ,100pcs/opp bag,10bags/box……

Outer Package: Arrange cartons of different sizes according to the specific quantity.

Delivery FedEx / UPS / DHL / TNT

Patient RFID Wristband01

Patient RFID Wristband Manufacturing

MIFARE Ultralight, Ultralight C, NTag213, MIFARE 1K, and MIFARE DESFire chips are examples of common RFID chips. These chips may be used in a variety of application situations and are the most popular varieties in NFC systems.

Typically, the wristband is composed of flexible PVC material for both durability and aesthetic appeal. Wristbands with reusable clips are also available upon request for extended usage in prolonged activities. Disposable RFID chip wristbands are perfect for effective ticketing control and customer management, whether they are used for a single event or long-term use.

Patient RFID Wristband03

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