RS501 RFID Scanner


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Naidheachd o chionn ghoirid

The RS501 RFID scanner features a modern design with a sleek black handle and eye-catching red accents, effortlessly connecting to your smartphone. This handheld device is displayed against a simple backdrop, emphasizing its advanced functionality and contemporary look.

Tuairisgeul goirid:

IoT handheld Terminal

5.5-inch HD Screen · UHF RFID Reader ·Octa Core Processor

Cuir post-d thugainn

Roinn sinn:

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

IoT handheld Terminal

5.5-inch HD Screen · UHF RFID Reader ·Octa Core Processor

RS501 rfid scanner


Paramadairean toraidh
CPU MT6762 Octa-core 64 bit 2 .0 GHz high

performance processor

Expand memory Micro SD(TF) Supports up to 256GB
System Android 10.0/ Android 13.0
Data communication
WLAN Dual-band 2.4GHz / 5GHz ,

Support IEEE 802 . 11ac/a/b/g/n/d/e/h/i/j/k/r/v protocol



2GGSM (850/900/ 1800/ 1900MHz)
3GWCDMA (850/900/ 1900/2100MHz)


Bluetooth Support Bluetooth 5 .0+BLE

Transmission distance 5- 10 meatairean

GNSS Support Gps , Galileo, Glonass , Beidou
Physical parameter
Dimensions 179mm×74 .5mm×150mm(Including the handle)
Weight <750g

(Depends on device function configuration)

Display 5.5 “color display with resolution 720×1440
TP support multi-touch

Battery capacity

Rechargeable polymer battery 7 .6V 4000mAh (Equal to 3 .8V 8000mAh) ,removable
Standby time >350 hours
Charging time <3H , using standard power adapter and data cable
Expansion Card slot NANO SIM card x1TF card x1 (Optional PSAMx2)POGO Pinx1


Type-C 2 .0 USB x 1, supporting OTG function
Audio Speaker (mono), Microphone , Receiver
Main keys Home key, Delete key, Back key,Confirm key
Side keys Silicone keys: Power key, Volume +/- key, Handle scan key,Scan key ×2
Sensors Gravity sensor, light sensor, distance sensor, vibration motor


Standard Adapter, Data cable, Protective film ,

Instruction manual


Fàg do Theachdaireachd


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