
Tha an loidhne toraidh coileanta RFID againn a’ toirt a-steach RFID Keyfob, bann-làimhe RFID, Cairt RFID, RFID Tag, Tagaichean sprèidh RFID, Label RFID, Leughadair RFID, agus EAS Tag. Bidh sinn a’ toirt seachad fuasglaidhean RFID èifeachdach is tèarainte do dh’ iomairtean gus coinneachadh ri diofar fheumalachdan tagraidh.


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Naidheachd o chionn ghoirid

RFID Tag For Industrial

RFID Tag For Industrial

RFID Tag For Industrial is the application of Radio Frequency Identification technology in the industrial field. It can identify specific targets and read and write related data through radio signals,…

The product is a small, rectangular black and white RFID tag designed for manufacturing, with a central hole and two gold-colored dots on each end.

RFID Tags For Manufacturing

Meud: 22x8mm, (Hole: D2mm*2) Thickness: 3.0mm without IC bump, 3.8mm with IC bump Material: FR4 (PCB) Dath: Dubh (Dearg, Gorm, Uaine, Geal) Mounting Methods: Adhesive, Screw Weight: 1.5g

Yellow rectangular silicone gasket featuring rounded edges and end holes, designed with Asset Tracking RFID Technology for efficient asset management.

Asset Tracking RFID Technology

Pròtacal RFID: EPC Global and ISO 18000-63 compliant, Gen2V2 compliant Frequency: Global 840 MHz to 960 MHz IC type: Impinj Monza R6 Memory: EPC 96bits, TID 96 bits Write Cycles:…

The product "RFID Solutions For Retail" features two black rectangular electronic components with small metallic sensors on top, arranged diagonally, as its core elements.

RFID Solutions For Retail

Pròtacal RFID: EPC Clas 1 Gen2, Tricead ISO18000-6C: U.S (902-928MHZ), EU (865-868MHZ) IC type: XBL2005-KX Memory: EPC 128bits USER 1312 bits, TID 96bits Write Cycles: 1-time Functionality: Read/write Data Retention: Up to 50

metal rfid access control (1)

Metal RFID Access Control

Metal RFID Access Control MT012 4601 is an RFID tag especially applicable to the concrete and construction industries. With excellent high temperature, corrosion, impact resistance, and other properties.

High Temperature RFID tags (1)

High Temperature RFID tags

High Temperature RFID tags are designed for use in high-temperature environments, using polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) material for resistance, non-toxicity, flame retardancy, chemical corrosion resistance, and insulation properties. They have functionalities

A silicone pet grooming brush in blue with short bristles and an adjustable strap highlights the same high-quality craftsmanship as Fujian RFID Solution's RFID Access Control Wristbands.

RFID Access Control Wristband

Fujian RFID Solution is a specialized manufacturer of RFID wristbands, tags, and cards, with fully automated equipment capable of producing over 400 million cards per year. They offer a variety

RFID Clothing

RFID Clothing

The 10-Laundry7010 RFID Clothing label is a reliable and efficient solution for industrial washing, riaghladh èideadh, medical clothing management, and personnel patrol management. It has been rigorously tested for over

Long Distance UHF Metal Tag

Long Distance UHF Metal Tag

The Long Distance UHF Metal Tag is an RFID tag designed for harsh temperatures, ensuring functional integrity and data dependability. It uses high-temperature resistant materials, is waterproof and dustproof, agus…

UHF Special Tag

UHF Special Tag

UHF special tags are electronic tags using ultra-high frequency RFID technology, designed for unique applications. They have a working frequency of 860MHz–960MHz, a larger communication distance, and fast data transmission.

Tha togalach gnìomhachais mòr liath le mòran uinneagan le dath gorm agus dà phrìomh dhoras na sheasamh gu pròiseil fo shoilleir, speur gorm. Air a chomharrachadh le suaicheantas "Pàirc Gnìomhachais PBZ," tha e a’ toirt a-steach ar “Mu ar deidhinn" misean a bhith a’ toirt seachad prìomh fhuasglaidhean gnìomhachais.

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An urrainn dhuinn do chuideachadh?
Dèanadair Rfid Tag [Slàn-reic | OEM | ODM]
Sealladh farsaing air dìomhaireachd

Bidh an làrach-lìn seo a’ cleachdadh briosgaidean gus an urrainn dhuinn an t-eòlas cleachdaiche as fheàrr a thoirt dhut. Tha fiosrachadh cookie air a stòradh sa bhrobhsair agad agus bidh e a’ coileanadh gnìomhan leithid do aithneachadh nuair a thilleas tu chun làrach-lìn againn agus ar sgioba a chuideachadh gus tuigsinn dè na h-earrannan den làrach-lìn as inntinniche agus as fheumaile dhut..