Industrial NFC Tags


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Industrial NFC Tags

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Electronic tags called industrial NFC tags are frequently utilized in industrial settings. They provide reliable and accurate data transfer and identification services for a range of industrial applications, based on near-field communication (NFC) tecnoloxía.

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Electronic tags called industrial NFC tags are frequently utilized in industrial settings. They provide reliable and accurate data transfer and identification services for a range of industrial applications, based on near-field communication (NFC) tecnoloxía.

Industrial NFC Tags

Features of industrial applications:

  • High-temperature resistance: Industrial NFC tags can withstand high temperatures and still remain stable and reliable since they are composed of materials that can withstand high temperatures.
  • Alta fiabilidade: In complex industrial situations, they can reliably transmit data and perform identification tasks because of their high anti-interference characteristics.
  • Quick identification: They can track and identify products more quickly and efficiently, enhancing the effectiveness of logistics distribution, when paired with industrial-grade tablets and other devices.


Form and purpose:

  • Industrial NFC tags typically have a microchip and an antenna. The microchip can hold a variety of data, including text, numbers, URLs, and other forms of information.
  • NFC readers or smartphones can scan and recognize this data, giving brand owners improved customer service and product control.


Areas of application:

  • Industrial NFC tags are extensively utilized in asset management, product anti-counterfeiting, logistics monitoring, and other domains.
  • Through NFC tags affixed to commodities, logistics organizations can expeditiously identify and monitor goods during the logistics process, as well as achieve real-time logistics information collection and administration.
  • NFC tags can help businesses discover, query, and monitor assets more quickly, which will increase asset management efficiency.


Functional Specifications:

Protocolo RFID: EPC Clase 1 Gen2, Frecuencia ISO 18000-6C: (EUA) 902-928MHz, (UE) 865-868MHz IC type: Impinj Monza 4QT

Memory: EPC 128bits , USER 512bits, TID 64 bits

Write Cycles: 100,000 times Functionality: Read/write Data Retention: Up to 50 Years Applicable Surface: Metal Surfaces

Read Range :

(Fix Reader )

Read Range :

(Lector portátil)

8.0M (EUA) 902-928MHz, on metal

8.2M – (UE) 865-868MHz, on metal

4.9M – (EUA) 902-928MHz, on metal

5.1M – (UE) 865-868MHz, on metal

Warranty: 1 Year



Physical Specification:

Tamaño: 52x13mm, (Hole: D3mm) Thickness: 3.5mm

Material: FR4 (PCB)

Colour: Negro (Vermello, Azul, Verde, e branco) Mounting Methods: Adhesive, Screw

Weight: 5.5g



Industrial NFC Tags



MT018 5213U2:



MT018 5213E1:


Environmental Specification:

IP Rating: IP68

Storage Temperature: -40°С to +150°С

Operation Temperature: -40°С to +100°С

Certifications: Reach Approved, RoHS Approved, CE Approved



Orde information:

MT018 5213U2 (EUA) 902-928MHz, MT018 5213E1 (UE) 865-868MHz

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