RFID Mobile xov tooj nyeem ntawv
Cov khoom tshwj xeeb

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Xov xwm tshiab

Qhia luv luv:
Lub RS65D yog ib tug contactless Android RFID xov tooj ntawm tes nyeem ntawv uas txuas mus rau hauv lub cev siv hom-C chaw nres nkoj. Nws yog dawb thiab pluggable, ua rau nws haum rau ntau yam kev siv. Nws tseem tuaj yeem txuas rau lub computer ntawm OTG cable, ua kom yooj yim rau kev sib txuas ntawm lub xov tooj Android thiab lub computer. Cov cuab yeej tsim nyog rau RFID systems xws li kev tswj xyuas qhov chaw nres tsheb, personal identification, thiab tswj kev nkag.
Qhia rau peb:
Product Detail
RS65D yog 125Khz contactless Android RFID Xov tooj ntawm tes nyeem ntawv, Siv tus nyeem ntawv TYPE-C chaw nres nkoj txuas lub cuab yeej mus rau Android system, Dawb thiab pluggable tsis muaj zog. Zoo nkauj tsim, nws tsis yog tsuas yog ib qho yooj yim tab sis kuj ruaj khov thiab txhim khu kev qha cov ntaub ntawv.
Ntawm qhov tod tes, Nws tuaj yeem txuas rau lub computer los ntawm OTG cable, Nws yooj yim dua los hloov ntawm lub xov tooj Android thiab Computer (Hom-c chaw nres nkoj hloov mus rau hauv USB chaw nres nkoj). Dav siv rau RFID Xov Tooj Cua Zaus Qhia Txog Cov Txheej Txheem thiab cov haujlwm, Xws li Automated nres tsheb tswj systems, Personal identification, Access controllers, Kev tswj kev siv ntau lawm, lwm
Basic tsis:
qhov project | parameter |
Working frequency | 125Khz |
Daim npav nyeem ntawv hom | Em4100, TK4100, SMC4001 thiab tshaj daim npav |
Kev khiav hauj lwm voltage | 5V |
Nyeem ntawv nrug | 0mm-100 hli(ntsig txog daim npav lossis ib puag ncig) |
Daim npav nyeem ceev | 0.2s |
Qhov ntev | 35mm x 35 mm x 7 mm (tsis muaj interface)
71mm x 71 mm x 19 mm (packaging) |
Kev sib txuas lus Interface | Hom-c |
Operating temperature | -20℃~70℃ |
Ua haujlwm tam sim no | 100mA |
Lub sijhawm nyeem daim npav | 100 ms |
Nyeem ntawv nrug | 0.5S |
weight | Txog 20 G (Tsis Muaj Pob)
Txog 50 G (Nrog Pob) |
kev khiav hauj lwm qhov system | Yeej XPWin CEWin 7Win 10LIUNXVistaAndroid (Test hom: Samsung, Sony, vivo, Xiaomi) |
lwm yam | Qhov taw qhia xwm txheej: 2-xim LED (” xiav ” LED zog, ” ntsuab ” qhov taw qhia qhov xwm txheej)
Tso zis hom: ua ntej 10 tus lej decimal (4 bytes), txhawb customized tso zis hom. |
Kev siv thiab ceev faj:
1. Yuav siv / nruab li cas
Tom qab ntxig daim npav nyeem ntawv rau hauv Android system platform xws li lub xov tooj ntawm tes / ntsiav tshuaj, qhov taw qhia teeb ntawm daim npav nyeem ntawv tig “xiav”, qhia tias tus nyeem ntawv daim npav tau nkag mus rau hauv lub xeev ntawm tos daim npav swiping.
Kev sim: Qhib cov zis software ntawm Android system platform xws li xov tooj ntawm tes / ntsiav tshuaj (xws li editors xws li memos/messages), thiab txav daim ntawv lo ze rau ntawm daim npav nyeem ntawv, that is, daim npav tus lej yuav raug tso tawm kom pom ntawm tus cursor, thiab lub carriage rov muaj nuj nqi yuav muab. Raws li qhia:
2. Cov teeb meem xav tau kev saib xyuas
- Android system yuav tsum muaj xws li xov tooj ntawm tes: OTG muaj nuj nqi
- Yog tias qhov kev nyeem ntawv deb ntawm daim npav nyeem ntawv ntev dhau lawm, nws yuav ua rau daim npav nyeem ntawv tsis ruaj khov lossis ua tsis tiav. Tsis txhob nyeem daim npav hauv lub xeev tseem ceeb (qhov deb tsuas yog tuaj yeem nyeem daim npav). Tib lub sijhawm, ob daim npav nyeem ntawv uas nyob ib sab tseem yuav cuam tshuam rau ib leeg.
- Muaj ntau yam uas cuam tshuam rau daim npav nyeem ntawv deb. Cov txheej txheem sib txawv, txawv kav hlau txais xov tsim, surrounding environments (feem ntau yog cov khoom siv hlau), thiab daim npav sib txawv yuav cuam tshuam rau daim npav nyeem ntawv qhov deb.
- The way of reading the card, Nws raug nquahu kom siv daim npav ncaj qha rau ntawm daim npav nyeem ntawv thiab ua kom nws zoo. Txoj kev nyeem daim npav uas nrawm nrawm daim npav los ntawm sab tsis pom zoo thiab tsis lav qhov ua tiav ntawm daim npav.
- Tsis muaj lus teb thaum swiping daim npav: Seb lub interface yog ntxig zoo; seb daim npav xov tooj cua puas yog daim ntawv lo; seb daim npav xov tooj cua puas puas lawm; seb lwm daim npav xov tooj cua puas nyob hauv daim npav nyeem ntawv.