RFID bracelet

Stainless steel RFID bracelets with adjustable links, combining jewelry aesthetics with access functionality.


Ngwaahịa egosipụtara

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Fabric RFID Bracelet

Fabric RFID Bracelet

The Fabric RFID Bracelet is a waterproof NFC bracelet suitable for various environments, including beaches, ọdọ mmiri igwu mmiri, and sports clubs. It has an IP68 waterproof rating and is equipped with…

A light blue silicone wristband on a plain white background, labeled as one of the innovative Programmable RFID Bracelets.

Programmable RFID Bracelets

The Programmable RFID Bracelets is a convenient and durable wristband with a wide range of applications. Made from eco-friendly silicone, it is suitable for various settings such as catering, swimming…

Nnukwu ụlọ mmepụta ihe na-acha ntụ ntụ nwere ọtụtụ windo na-acha anụnụ anụnụ na ọnụ ụzọ abụọ bụ isi na-eguzo n'okpuru oghere doro anya, eluigwe na-acha anụnụ anụnụ. Ejiri akara ngosi "PBZ Business Park," ọ na-agụnye "Banyere Anyị" ozi nke inye Premiya azụmahịa ngwọta.

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Onye nrụpụta RFId Tag [N'ogbe | OEM | ODM]
Ntụle nzuzo

Webụsaịtị a na-eji kuki ka anyị wee nye gị ahụmịhe onye ọrụ kacha mma enwere ike. A na-echekwa ozi kuki na ihe nchọgharị gị ma na-arụ ọrụ dị ka ịmata gị mgbe ịlaghachi na webụsaịtị anyị na inyere ndị otu anyị aka ịghọta akụkụ nke weebụsaịtị ị kacha amasị ma baa uru..