RFID On Metal


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RFID On Metal

Nkọwa dị mkpirikpi:

RFID On Metal are metal-specific RFID tags that improve reading distance and accuracy by using metal maintenance materials as reflecting surfaces. They are used in asset management, warehouse logistics, and vehicle management for fixed asset identification, data collection, and efficient vehicle entry and exit. They have a read range of 30M to 14M.

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Nkọwa ngwaahịa

RFID On Metal are metal-specific RFID tags. It overcomes the issue that standard RFID tags’ reading distance gradually diminishes or becomes problematic on metal surfaces.
RFID On Metal employ metal maintenance materials as reflecting surfaces to increase their performance. It packages electronic tags in unique magnetic materials to stick them to metal surfaces while preserving high reading distance and accuracy.

RFID On Metal

Application of RFID On Metal

  • Asset management: enterprises may utilize UHF metal tags to identify fixed assets, gather data using RFID readers or RFID smart portable terminal PDA devices, and monitor and manage fixed asset usage cycles and statuses.
  • Warehouse logistics pallet management: UHF metal tags may be used for arrival inspection, nkwakọba ihe, na-apụ apụ, transfer, shifting, and inventory. Automated data collection ensures fast and precise data entry in each warehouse management link, allowing organizations to quickly and accurately understand inventory data.
  • Njikwa ụgbọ ala: UHF metal tags allow cars to enter and depart without stopping or swiping cards. After verifying tag information, the RFID reader may release a vehicle immediately as it enters or departs, considerably enhancing traffic efficiency.






Functional Specifications


RFID On Metal

Usoro RFID:

EPC Klas1 Gen2

Ugboro ugboro:

(US) 902-928MHz

(EU) 865-868MHz

IC Type: Alien Higgs-3


EPC 96 bits (up to 480 bits)

USER 512 bits

TID 64 bits

Write Times: 100,000 times

Ọrụ: Read/Write

Data Retention: Up to 50 years

Applicable Surface: Metal Surface
Read Range

(Fixed Reader)

(Specific Data Not Provided)

(Onye na-agụ ihe ejiri aka)

On Metal:

(US) 902-928MHz: 30M

(EU) 865-868MHz: 28M
Off Metal:

(US) 902-928MHz: 16M

(EU) 865-868MHz: 14M
(US) 902-928MHz: 22M
(EU) 865-868MHz: 22M
(US) 902-928MHz: 11M
(EU) 865-868MHz: 11M

Physical specifications

Dimensions: 130.0×42.0mm

Thickness: 10.5mm

Ihe onwunwe: PC

Agba: Nwa (optional: Uhie, Acha anụnụ anụnụ, Akwụkwọ ndụ akwụkwọ ndụ, Ọcha)

Mounting method: Adhesive, Screws

Weight: 45g


Hapụ Ozi Gị


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