RFID lyklaborði

A key fob contains a short-range radio transmitter/radio frequency identification (RFID) chip and antenna. It uses radio frequencies to send a distinct coded signal to a receiver unit in the device. This receiver also contains an RFID tag, which is some form of stored information. RFID key fobs have the same functionality as RFID smart cards. Hins vegar, RFID lyklaborðar, also referred to as smart keys or simply RFID key fobs, are much more compact, practical and robust. Thanks to these features and their intuitive handling, the smart keys are often used in the areas of access control and time recording. Further advantages of the RFID key fob are the extremely high durability and their robustness against external influences.


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Two RFID Magnetic IButtons, featuring blue electronic key fobs with circular metal contacts, are shown against a white background.

RFID Magnetic IButton

The RFID Magnetic IButton Dallas Magnetic Tag Reader DS9092 One Wire iButton Probe with LED provides electrical contact for data transport. It is suitable for access control, monitoring work in

Five translucent plastic measuring spoons from the Ibutton RFID collection, each equipped with an RFID tag and available in black, blár, gulur, rauður, og grænir litir, are arranged in a row.

Ibutton RFID

The DS1990A F5 module-equipped Ibutton RFID keychain is a sophisticated RFID chip that provides dependable data transmission and storage capabilities. It allows key fobs to securely exchange information and authenticate

An RFID Silicone Keyfob in blue, attached to a metal key ring and chain, isolated on a white background.

RFID Silicone Keyfob

The RFID Silicone Keyfob is a comfortable, non-slip, and wear-resistant product with a built-in RFID chip for access control and item tracking. Available in various colors, it is suitable for

Two green Leather Proximity Key Fobs with gold metal rings and white stitching are displayed side by side on a white background. A close-up detail of the stitching is shown in an inset image.

Leather Proximity Key Fob

The Leather Proximity Key Fob is a fashionable and practical accessory made of high-quality leather. It integrates with advanced sensing technology for wireless communication with access control systems and vehicle

The Leather key fob for RFID (2) sett, featuring two black leather key fobs with rectangular tags attached to metal rings, is displayed against a plain white background.

Leðurlykil fyrir RFID

The Leather key fob for RFID is a stylish and durable accessory made from high-quality leather. It features a sleek, compact design, a metal ring and clip for easy installation

Fjórir Dual Frequency Lyklasnúrar með lyklakippum úr málmi, hver í gráu, eru skipulögð í tveggja og tveggja rist á hvítum fleti.

Dual Frequency Key Fob

The leading manufacturer of RFID and NFC products offers high-quality Dual Frequency Key Fob, smart cards, and other products. These keychains are made of ABS and silicone materials, ABS is

The rfid key fob copy (1) product set, which includes two oval-shaped key fobs—one black and one red—each equipped with RFID tags and attached to a silver key ring, is displayed against a plain white background.

Key Fob RFID Tag

Key Fob RFID Tags are small, secure hardware devices with built-in authentication for controlling and protecting network services and data. Made from ABS and leather, they are suitable for various

Tveir svartir, sporöskjulaga lyklakippur úr plasti með litlu gati í annan endann. Efsta myndin sýnir báðar hliðar fobs saman, en neðstu myndirnar sýna hverja hlið fyrir sig. Tilvalið til notkunar með RFID lyklaborðsafritunarvél (1).

RFID lyklaborð fjölföldunartæki

An RFID Key Fob Duplicator is a small device that uses radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to communicate with an RFID reader. It is commonly used in keyless entry systems,…

Three access control key fobs, each featuring a smiling face: one in red, one in yellow, and one in blue. Attached to metal key rings, these fobs add a quirky and joyful touch to your keys.

Access Control Key Fob

The Access Control Key Fob is an RFID keyfob compatible with EM-Marine-enabled card readers, allowing access to secure areas. It consists of an ABS shell, a chip, and an antenna.

RFID lykilmerkið (1) is blue and silver, comes with an attached keyring, and has Chinese text visible in the bottom right corner.

RFID Key Tag

The RFID Key Tag is a waterproof, advanced RFID technology keychain made from premium ABS material. It supports a 13.56MHz MF 1K FUDAN 1K smart chip, providing quick data transmission

Stórt grátt iðnaðarhúsnæði með fjölmörgum blálituðum gluggum og tveimur aðalinngangum stendur stolt undir tæru., blár himinn. Merkt með merkinu „PBZ Business Park," það felur í sér „Um okkur" verkefni að veita framúrskarandi viðskiptalausnir.

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Rfid Tag framleiðandi [Heildverslun | OEM | ODM]

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