USB lesandi

USB RFID Readers offer consistency in high performance. Our RFID Readers with USB compatability offer the functionality needed for use in any successful RFID system. An RFID Reader is a radio frequency transmitter and receiver which reads and writes information to an RFID tag. USB RFID Readers are small, lightweight readers that are perfect for desktop applications. RFID USB Proximity Card Reader can read the RFID card serial number and output to your computer according to the specified format, then management software derives many more functions.


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RFID farsímalesari

RFID farsímalesari

The RS65D is a contactless Android RFID mobile phone reader that connects to the Android system using a Type-C port. It is free and pluggable, making it suitable for various

RFID Tag Reader

RFID Tag Reader

The RS17-A RFID Tag Reader is a compact, versatile device that meets ISO 18000-6C standards and offers easy integration for close-range identification and background card issuance. It meets national and

RFID Sticker Reader

RFID Sticker Reader

The R58 is a contactless RFID Sticker Reader and barcode scanner that uses barcode recognition and RFID technology combined with Bluetooth communication. It has a low power consumption, standby time

An IC RFID Reader, featuring a sleek white USB dongle with silver accents and "RFID" labeling, is elegantly displayed against a pristine white background, exemplifying its refined design.

IC rfid Reader

The RS60C is a high-performance 13.56Mhz RFID IC RFID Reader that can be plug-and-play without installing drivers, ensuring a fast and accurate card reading. Its card reading distance can reach

ID RFID Reader Writer

ID RFID Reader Writer

High-performance 125Khz ID RFID Reader Writer RS60D. It’s a vital RFID device because of its performance and stability. This card reader plugs and plays without drivers, making it convenient. It

High Frequency RFID Reader

High Frequency RFID Reader

The RS20C is a 13.56Mhz RFID smart card reader with no driver required, a card reading distance of up to 80mm, and stable data. It is widely used in RFID

LF tag reader

LF tag reader

The RS20D card reader is a plug-and-play device with high performance, long-distance card reading, and a simple, easy-to-use appearance. It is popular in automatic parking management systems, personal identification, access

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Rfid Tag framleiðandi [Heildverslun | OEM | ODM]

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