Key Fob 125khz


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Image of seven Key Fob 125kHz (1) units in various colors: blár, grænn, bleikur, fjólublár, light green, grár, and yellow; arranged in two rows. Each fob is teardrop-shaped with a metal keyring.

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The key fob 125khz RFID keychain is a practical and stylish solution for RFID applications. It can be customized to customer specifications, with options for color and logo. Fujian RFID Solution Co., Ltd. offers a range of RFID products, including readers, tags, merkimiða, and inlays, and provides RFID implementation services. The company has a large in-house research and development staff, ensuring a reliable and experienced service.

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The key fob 125khz combines RFID technology with beautiful and practical keychain housing. They can be easily attached to a regular key ring. The keychain uses RFID technology and can be customized to the customer’s specifications. Users can choose from various colors and even add a company logo or design. This keychain is available in 125Khz such as TK4100, and EM4200 for LF. The HF version of the keychain includes S50, N213/215/216, o.s.frv. For customers who require more versatility, there is also the option of a tvöfaldur tíðni lyklaborði. This allows the key fob to be compatible with both LF and HF systems, providing greater flexibility for access control. The dual frequency key fob is perfect for businesses or organizations that utilize different RFID systems across their facilities.

Key Fob 125khz


Product Details

Product Name ABS RFID Key Fob
Chip TK4100, EM4200, FM1108, S50 etc.
Efni ABS
Tíðni LF(125khz), HF(13.56mhz)
Bókun ISO11784/785, ISO14443A
Encoded Code Available
Printing Silk-Screen Printing, Laser Engraved Logo
Crafts Logo Printing, Serial Number, QR, Encoding, o.s.frv


Choose us to be your FRID keychain manufacturer

Fujian RFID Solution Co., Ltd. provides a full range of RFID products, including readers, tags, merkimiða, and inlays, along with RFID implementation services to guarantee that our products are utilized in a variety of applications, including supply chain management, almenningssamgöngur, e-payment, iðnaðar sjálfvirkni, security, and personal identification. To take advantage of the most recent developments and demands in the smart card and RFID markets, our organization maintains a sizable in-house research and development staff. Our staff is composed of young, skilled, and enthusiastic individuals, and we want to be your first option for RFID goods and smart card supplies. You may be certain that every facet of your request will be handled by our dependable and experienced staff.



How can I submit an order?
A: To place an order, clickStartor send us an email with your requirements. Once the order has been verified, we will promptly set up production and provide you the offer.

What is the status of the shipment and payment?
A: Western Union, Paypal, T/T, o.s.frv.
You may choose your agency or travel by air, sea, or express (DHL, FedEx, TNT UPS, o.s.frv.) via our agent.

How can I get a sample to evaluate the quality of your work?
A: Please confirm the sample and freight costs with us before we offer you the sample.

How long will it take for me to get the goods?
A: The amount and delivery method determine this. You may consult us before placing an order.

Can you modify your products?
A: We personalize almost every aspect of our goods, including the material, size, thickness, and printing. Orders from OEMs are really appreciated.

What are the terms of trade?
A: We are capable of handling DDU, CFR, FOB, CIF, and EXW, among others.

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