Long Distance UHF Metal Tag


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Long Distance UHF Metal Tag

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The Long Distance UHF Metal Tag is an RFID tag designed for harsh temperatures, ensuring functional integrity and data dependability. It uses high-temperature resistant materials, is waterproof and dustproof, and supports US and EU frequency standards. Its applications include industrial manufacturing, petrochemical processes, and car production, where it can monitor raw materials, semi-finished goods, and final items.

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Long Distance UHF Metal Tag is a particular RFID tag that works under harsh temperatures. This tag’s design and material choices address extreme temperature problems while maintaining functional integrity and data dependability.

Long Distance UHF Metal Tag

Tæknilegir eiginleikar

  • Special high-temperature resistant materials allow the tags to operate properly at 180°C or greater without damage or performance loss.
  • Even at extreme temperatures, the tag’s reading distance, data transfer rate, and security remain steady.
  • To withstand tough settings, these tags are waterproof and dustproof as well as high temperature resistant.


Functions and features:

Our RFID tags use EPC Class1 Gen2 and ISO18000-6C protocols and support US (902-928MHZ) and EU (865-868MHZ) frequency standards. This tag uses Alien Higgs-3 chip technology and optional ICs like Monza M4QT, Monza R6, UCODE 7XM+, o.s.frv. to satisfy client demands. The tag includes EPC 96 bits (up to 480 bits), USER 512 bits, and TID 64 bits for data variety and security. The tag is ideal for metal surfaces and can store data for 50 years with 100,000 write times. Fixed and portable readers have high reading ranges in US and EU frequency bands. For added peace of mind, we provide a one-year guarantee.

Physical attributes and environmental adaptability:

RFID tags are 40x14mm, with a D3.0mmx2 hole, are 6.5mm thick, and weigh 8.5g. Ceramic antenna, PEEK shell (alternative materials may be specified), black color. Installation techniques include hexagonal screws (M2.5), rivets, and adhesives. The tag is IP68 waterproof and dustproof, allowing it to work in high temperatures (-40°C to +180°C storage and -25°C to +150°C operation). To fulfill international quality and safety requirements, the tag has Reach, RoHS, CE, and ATEX certifications. MT010 U1 or not, we provide trustworthy and durable RFID tag solutions.

MT010 U1, Metal Surface(902-928MHZ):

MT010 U1, Metal Surface(902-928MHZ):

MT010 E1, , Metal Surface(865-868MHZ):

MT010 E1, , Metal Surface(865-868MHZ):


Radiation pattern:


Radiation  pattern: Radiation  pattern:


  • Industrial manufacturing: 180°C high-temperature RFID tags can monitor and manage raw materials, semi-finished goods, and final items in high-temperature processing or settings.
  • Petrochemical: Many petrochemical processes and equipment need high temperatures. These items and equipment may be tracked and managed with 180°C RFID tags.
  • In car production, certain components must be treated at high temperatures. This high-temperature RFID tag can monitor and control these components throughout manufacture.

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