RFID Cable Tag


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Three RFID Cable Tags with green exteriors, yellow labels, and adjustable straps are arranged side by side on a white background, each featuring advanced RFID technology for seamless tracking.

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RFID Cable Tag offer benefits in cable management, flutningsmælingu, and asset management due to their contactless identification, rapid authentication, and data management capabilities. They are useful in cable management, asset identification, flutningsmælingu, and other situations where objects need to be fastened or identified. RFID technology provides non-contact identification, quick authentication, and data management, making it easier to monitor an item’s location, status, date of manufacture, and other relevant data. RFID cable tie tags are expected to become more significant in the future.

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RFID Cable Tag have shown broad application prospects in cable management, logistics tracking and asset management due to their advantages of contactless identification, rapid authentication, and data management. RFID cable tie tags will become more significant in the future due to the ongoing development of technology and the ongoing expansion of application scenarios.


RFID Cable Tie Tag



  1. Label size: 332*56*30 (MM)
  2. Product process: etching aluminum
  3. Base material: PP plastic package
  4. Agreed: ISO 18000-6C
  5. Chip model: ALIEN 9662 H3
  6. Memory capacity: 512 Bits
  7. EPC sector: 96 til 480 Bits
  8. Induction frequency: 840-960MHz
  9. Read and write distance: 0-8M, (UHF Reader, P=5W, 12 Db0 Different power readers, there will be differences.)
  10. Storage temperature: -25℃ ~ +65℃
  11. Operating temperature: -25℃ ~ +65℃
  12. The data is kept for 10 years, and the memory can be erased 100,000 times
  13. Label application scope: flutningastjórnun, parcel circulation management, vöruhúsastjórnun, o.s.frv.
    (Note: label size and chip can be customized according to customer requirements)

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Utilizing RFID cable tie tags

RFID cable tie tags are very useful in situations like cable management, asset identification, flutningsmælingu, and other situations where things need to be fastened or identified. The administration and monitoring of products is made much easier by the frequent use of these tags, which package objects in a distinctive way and rapidly authenticate via contactless identification.

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Place and kind of tags

  • Location: The strapping tape’s outside is where you may find the electronic tag. The benefit of this design is that it ensures steady RFID signal transmission as the tag is not readily impacted by the substance of the strapping tape.
  • Efni: Transparent crystal material, which is not only very transparent but also resistant to wear and corrosion, is often used to wrap the RFID tag portion. This material allows the tag to function for an extended period of time. In order to accommodate various application settings and demands, a range of packaging techniques are also available, including plastic packaging and the drip glue process.

RFID technology’s benefits

  • Non-contact identification: After an object is packed or wrapped, the tag information may still be read thanks to RFID technology, which enables identification without coming into touch with the tag.
  • Quick authentication: RFID tags can quickly verify an individual’s identification and read data, which significantly boosts item management effectiveness.
  • Data management: RFID technology makes it simple to monitor an item’s location, status, date of manufacture, and other relevant data. This is especially helpful for asset management and logistics tracking.

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Real-world examples of applications

  • Cable management: RFID cable tie tags, which can be swiftly read and updated by RFID readers, make it simple to identify the kind, length, purpose, and other details of the cable. This increases the effectiveness of cable management by lowering abuse and damage to the cable.
  • Logistics tracking: RFID cable tie tags are a useful tool in the logistics sector for monitoring and identifying cargo. The position, status, and other details of the items may be accessed in real-time by tying the tag to them, enabling complete tracking and administration of the commodities.
    Asset management is another area in which RFID cable tie tags are used. Asset inventory, search, repair, and scrapping may all be readily accomplished by attaching a unique RFID tag to each asset, increasing asset management’s accuracy and efficiency.

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