Þvottahæft RFID merki


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Þvottahæft RFID merki

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Þvottanleg RFID merki eru úr stöðugu PPS efni, tilvalið fyrir háan hita og erfiðar aðstæður. Þau eru hentug fyrir iðnaðarþvott, samræmda stjórnun, stjórnun lækningafatnaðar, stjórnun hermannabúninga, and personnel patrol management. They can withstand repeated high-temperature washing and drying processes, remain clear and readable, and extend their service life. PPS labels are also used in automobile engine maintenance and chemical industry for safety and traceability. They can be transported via express, air, or sea routes and provide required documents.

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Washable RFID Tag are made of relatively stable and easy-to-use PPS (polyphenylene sulfide) material. PPS, as a high-rigidity crystalline resin engineering plastic, is known for its excellent structural stability, which makes it an ideal material for making electronic labels.

PPS laundry labels are particularly suitable for applications in high temperatures and harsh environments. In laundries, these labels can withstand repeated high-temperature washing and drying processes and remain clear and readable, allowing accurate tracking and management of clothing. In addition, the stability of PPS material also means that these labels are not easily deformed or damaged, greatly extending their service life.

In addition to laundries, PPS labels also play an important role in many other fields. In automobile engine maintenance, they are used as marking tools to track and record maintenance history. In the chemical industry, PPS labels are used to track and manage chemical raw materials to ensure the safety and traceability of production processes.




Product Parameter Parameter Description
Model ACM-TAG013
Tíðni UHF
Metarial PPS
Litur Blár, or customized color.
Stærð 24×2.2mm with 2 holes
Bókun ISO 18000-6C
Read/Write Times 100000 cycles
Umsókn Industrial washing,

Management of uniforms,

Medical apparel management,

Military clothing management

Personnel patrol management

Operating Temperature -40℃ to +120℃

Washable RFID Tags 01 Washable RFID Tags



  1. Industrial washing: Strong detergents and high temperatures are no match for the robustness of RFID UHF laundry tags, which provide precise tracking and management of every item in industrial-scale washing operations.
  2. Management of uniforms: Whether working in a restaurant, hotel, or other service sector, uniforms are crucial for recognition. It is simple to keep track of how often uniforms are used, how often they are cleaned, and when they need to be changed using RFID tags.
  3. Medical apparel management: Strict guidelines govern the monitoring and hygiene of medical apparel, including surgical and nursing gowns, in medical settings. Each garment’s washing and disinfection history may be tracked down with the use of RFID tags.
  4. Military uniform management: It’s critical for the military to manage both uniforms and equipment. The military can more precisely monitor and maintain each uniform and piece of equipment’s location and condition of use with the use of RFID tags.
  5. Personnel patrol management: To guarantee the efficacy of security patrols, patrol personnel may have their patrol routes and times recorded in real time by providing them with RFID-tagged equipment.

24x2.2mm with 2 holes

Transportation methods

We have extensive knowledge of international shipping thanks to our wealth of experience in international commerce. We are knowledgeable with a variety of express, air, and sea routes, and we can choose a safe and affordable mode of transportation based on your requirements. We can also supply the different required documents, such as the Certificate of Origin (CO), Free Trade Agreement Certificate (FTA), Form F Certificate (Form F), Form E Certificate (Form E), o.s.frv., to assist you cross customs more quickly.
We can accommodate your demands with a variety of trading terms, including EXW, FOB, FCT, CIF, and CFR.
We have been heavily active in the RFID industry for 20 years as one of China’s top exporters of RFID devices. RFID wristbands, spil, key chains, tags, and other RFID readers are among our primary offerings. Ennfremur, we provide access control solutions and are dedicated to being your trustworthy partner for products and transportation.


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