
Alhliða RFID vörulínan okkar inniheldur RFID lyklaborð, RFID armband, RFID kort, RFID Tag, RFID búfjármerki, RFID Label, RFID lesandi, og EAS Tag. Við bjóðum fyrirtækjum upp á skilvirkar og öruggar RFID lausnir til að mæta ýmsum umsóknarþörfum.


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The RFID Custom Wristband in red silicone is designed with a smooth, continuous loop.

RFID Custom Wristband

Fujian RFID Solutions offers RFID Custom Wristband for various applications, including swimming pools, amusement parks, and hospitals. These silicone wristbands are waterproof, sturdy, and comfortable, making them ideal for water

Custom RFID Bracelet showcasing a sleek orange design with an integrated electronic tag.

Custom RFID Bracelet

Fujian RFID Solutions Company offers Custom RFID Bracelet with a range of 125 kHz, 134.2 kHz, og 13.56 MHz for various security management requirements. With over 15 years of industry

An RFID Festival Wristband in orange on a white background.

RFID Festival Wristband

The RFID Festival Wristband is a modern, vibrant, and functional wristband that combines traditional holiday festivities with advanced RFID technology. It allows for fast identification of participantspersonal information, making

An RFID band in orange, featuring the text "RFID" in white, is one of our versatile RFID bands designed to meet diverse security and identification needs.

RFID bands

Fujian RFID Solutions Company offers high-quality RFID bands for the hotel industry, with IP68 waterproof properties and heat resistance. These wristbands are suitable for various settings, including restrooms, sundlaugar,…

Three RFID Silicone Bracelets in green, dark green, and red are displayed overlapping on a white background.

RFID Silicone Bracelet

RFID Silicone Bracelets are waterproof wristbands suitable for various settings, including sports clubs, schools, sundlaugar, water parks, líkamsræktarstöðvar, and spas. They come in multiple frequencies (125 KHz, 13.56 MHz,…

Blue RFID Tag Bracelet adorned with a white RFID logo and signal icon on the front, set against a white background. This elegant accessory integrates seamlessly among other RFID Tag Bracelets, offering both style and security.

RFID Tag Bracelets

RFID Tag Bracelets are waterproof, durable, and comfortable wristbands suitable for various activities, including leisure parks and festivals. They are suitable for humid environments like swimming pools, líkamsræktarstöðvar, and access

Three RFID Chip Wristbands are displayed in a row, colored purple, grænn, and red from left to right.

RFID Chip Wristband

The RFID Chip Wristband is a waterproof, user-friendly device that adds authentication to events. It uses the genuine NXP MIFARE Classic EV1 1K chip, providing 13.56 MHz operating frequency and

A blue Custom NFC Wristband featuring a round central area displaying the text "RFID" along with a signal icon.

Custom NFC Wristband

Customized RFID NFC silicone wristbands are now available, featuring advanced technology and excellent waterproof performance. These wristbands are made of high-quality silicone, offering durability and anti-aging properties. They support 125

A RFID Event Wristband in red is showcased, boasting a central tag adorned with the text "RFID" and two curved lines symbolizing wireless connectivity.

RFID Event Wristbands

The RFID Event Wristbands are a versatile wearable gadget made of premium silicone, available in various colors and sizes. These wristbands are waterproof, moisture-proof, and resistant to high temperatures, making

Two Waterproof RFID Bracelets, one in blue and the other in light blue, arranged overlapping against a white background.

Waterproof RFID Bracelet

The waterproof RFID bracelet is a smart device designed for humid and harsh weather environments. It features MINI TAG technology and integrates RFID and NFC communication interfaces, making data transmission

Stórt grátt iðnaðarhúsnæði með fjölmörgum blálituðum gluggum og tveimur aðalinngangum stendur stolt undir tæru., blár himinn. Merkt með merkinu „PBZ Business Park," það felur í sér „Um okkur" verkefni að veita framúrskarandi viðskiptalausnir.

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Rfid Tag framleiðandi [Heildverslun | OEM | ODM]

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