RFID Wristbands for Events

High-durability event wristbands with 100+ reuse cycles, reducing waste for recurring conferences.


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Warta Anyar

RFID Patient Wristbands

RFID Patient Wristbands

RFID patient wristbands are used for patient management and identification, storing personal information like name, medical record number, and allergy history. They provide benefits like automated information reading, data consistency,…

A collection of RFID Festival Wrist Bands in an array of colors such as purple, white, ijo, jambon, oranye, lan ireng. Each wristband boasts a sleek rectangular design element on its surface.

RFID Festival Wrist Band

The RFID Festival Wrist Band is a lightweight, round RFID wristband made of silicon, available in various sizes for both adults and children. It can be manufactured using LF, HF,…

An RFID Festival Wristband in orange on a white background.

RFID Festival Wristband

The RFID Festival Wristband is a modern, vibrant, and functional wristband that combines traditional holiday festivities with advanced RFID technology. It allows for fast identification of participantspersonal information, making

Blue RFID Tag Bracelet adorned with a white RFID logo and signal icon on the front, set against a white background. This elegant accessory integrates seamlessly among other RFID Tag Bracelets, offering both style and security.

RFID Tag Bracelets

RFID Tag Bracelets are waterproof, durable, and comfortable wristbands suitable for various activities, including leisure parks and festivals. They are suitable for humid environments like swimming pools, gim, and access

Three RFID Chip Wristbands are displayed in a row, colored purple, ijo, and red from left to right.

RFID Chip Wristband

The RFID Chip Wristband is a waterproof, user-friendly device that adds authentication to events. It uses the genuine NXP MIFARE Classic EV1 1K chip, providing 13.56 MHz operating frequency and

A bangunan industri werna abu-abu gedhe karo akeh jendhela biru-tinted lan loro lawang utama stands bangga ing langit, langit biru. Ditandhani kanthi logo "PBZ Business Park," iku ngemot "About Us" misi nyediakake solusi bisnis premier.

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