RFID Key Tag


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Tag kunci RFID (1) is blue and silver, comes with an attached keyring, and has Chinese text visible in the bottom right corner.

Katrangan singkat:

The RFID Key Tag is a waterproof, advanced RFID technology keychain made from premium ABS material. It supports a 13.56MHz MF 1K FUDAN 1K smart chip, providing quick data transmission and identification capabilities. It can be used for various tasks, such as managing gym memberships, corporate access, and school library borrowing. The keychain can also be used as an electronic wallet in self-service machine industries. Customization options include colors, designs, or logos. The company offers quick response, affordable pricing, and high-quality products.

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Detail Produk

Our carefully crafted RFID Key Tag not only has excellent waterproof performance but also integrates advanced RFID technology to bring you a smart and convenient use experience. In addition to its waterproof performance and advanced RFID technology, our RFID Key Tag also offers a range of multi rfid keyfob features. These features include compatibility with various RFID systems, secure encryption, and the ability to store and transmit data securely. With these multi rfid keyfob features, our RFID Key Tag provides a versatile and reliable solution for access control, time attendance, and other RFID applications.

This keychain is constructed from premium ABS material and goes through further processing to guarantee that it will continue to function steadily in damp or humid conditions. It also has an integrated 13.56MHz MF 1K FUDAN 1K smart chip, which supports high-frequency RFID technology and offers quick and precise data transmission and identification capabilities.

This waterproof ABS RFID keychain can easily perform a variety of tasks, such as managing gym memberships, controlling corporate access, and managing school library borrowing. It may also be used as an electronic wallet in the self-service machine industry, such as vending machines and laundromats, to facilitate quick payment and identification verification.

Our company offers customized customization services that are tailored to each individual. You may personalize a keychain that is specific to you by selecting various colors, designs, or distinctive logos based on your demands.


RFID Key Tag Parameters

Materi ABS/leather/epoxy
warna Red, yellow. black. grey. ijo, (one color or two colors for one fob available.)
Frekuensi 13.56mhz
Chip MFS50, FUDAN 1K
Read Range HF:0-5cm(depends on the reader and antenna)
Application Kontrol akses, Identification, Payment management, Customized, lsp
Optional craft Single-color or Multi-color Printing, Barcode or QR Code printing, Data encoding, lsp.



  • For Access controlProvide a safe environment for employees, visitors, and contractors. The only person who can enter the building is the one who has THE supplied RFID keyfob. Determine who is within the structure. It serves as a kind of attendance management in addition to access control.
    Restrict access to places that are very secure. Since the RFID keyfob may be programmed, you can provide privileges to certain individuals.
  • For cashless payments, the RFID card or keyfob is primarily used as a membership card. It can swiftly identify the consumer and provide purchase history, enabling the store to provide the customer with more personalized service.
  • Access control features are facilitated by the use of an ABS proximity key fob. Proximity key fobs are made by ABS material manufacturers, which contributes to their low cost and long lifespan. It runs at 125 kHz and makes use of a low-frequency RFID chip. Proximity key fobs vary from other types in that they operate by detecting the distance between the fob and the receiver, eliminating the need for removal.


Why choose our business?

  1. Quick response (within 12 hours), reasonably quick manufacturing, affordable pricing, and high-quality goods.
  2. You have our support. You work in the hotel sector. It’s your responsibility to ensure others are at ease. secure. being overindulged. You want vendors that provide the same courtesy to you.
  3. We provide conscientious post-purchase assistance. Should the merchandise be harmed, you will get payment. But before to shipment, we will make sure everything is in working order.
  4. Our supervisor has over thirty years of RFID expertise. Twenty years is my experience. can answer your questions.
  5. We grasp the standards of the items completely since we sell a lot of goods to the US and Europe.
  6. A guarantee of less than 2% RGD


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