Security supermarket Tag


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Security supermarket Tag

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Secure Supermarket Tags are compact, lightweight hard tags used for securing delicate garments and preventing business loss. They are available with a lanyard and can be ordered in RF to match specific security systems. These tags enhance the shopping experience, ensure product safety, and reduce losses. They use cutting-edge technologies like dual technology, AM/RF, RFID, AM, and RF to monitor and control items, minimizing costs and improving customer satisfaction.

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Detail Produk

Secure Supermarket Tags are easily attached with a pin and can be removed with a magnetic detacher. Due to their compact and lightweight design, these hard tags are very popular for securing light and delicate garments, protecting them without damaging your belongings. These strong and durable tags will ensure your valuable merchandise is protected along with your doorway system, successfully preventing loss of business. Secure Supermarket Tags are also available with a lanyard and can be ordered RF to match your specific security system.

Security supermarket Tag


Security supermarket Tag parameters

Item Name EAS RFID UHF fashion hard tag for clothes apparel garment retail management
custom OEM/ODM
Frekuensi 58KHZ/8.2MHZ
Dimension 54mmx13mm, 46x13mm,53mmx18mm, 63mmx20mm etc
warna black, grey, white, utawa selaras
Materi ABS and PC
Packing 1000pcs/ctn,9.5kgs/ctn, 0.02cbm

Security supermarket Tag01



  • Rugged ABS construction
  • Strong and durable
  • Popular tag styles for a variety of applications
  • Compatible with standard and super locks
  • Custom colors available for large orders
  • Available in AM or RF technology

If you are interested in placing a large order to synchronize the tag colors with your brand, simply email us for information about custom tags.

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Advantages of Secure Supermarket Tags

Secure supermarket tags enhance the shopping experience while ensuring the safety of goods, without placing an undue burden on retailers, which is indeed the key to controlling losses and increasing sales. These specifications are addressed in the design of our tags.

In order to guarantee the security of products from the source to sales terminals, we provide the industry’s widest selection of electronic article surveillance (EAS) hard tags, which are simple to use in-store or at the source. To satisfy the various demands of various merchants, our hard tag product portfolio offers a broad variety of high-risk product categories, including footwear, delicate products, welfare rejection goods, lsp.

Our hard tags use a range of cutting-edge technologies, such as dual technology, AM/RF, radio frequency identification (RFID), acousto-magnetic (AM), and radio frequency (RF). These technologies not only make losses more visible, but they also successfully reinforce loss prevention management and guarantee the security of merchandise in retail settings.

Retailers can easily monitor and control items and minimize costs due with lost or damaged goods by utilizing secure supermarket tags. Moreover, these tags are made with consideration for the shopping experience, guaranteeing that customers won’t be unduly bothered or distracted while they buy.

To summarize, safe supermarket labels are a great way for businesses to reduce losses and improve customer satisfaction. We are dedicated to providing cutting-edge technology and extensive services to retailers so they may operate more effectively and perform better.

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