UHF RFID Wristbands

A blue UHF RFID Wristband showcases a white "RFID" text and a radio signal icon on the front.

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UHF RFID Wristbands are waterproof, hypoallergenic wristbands available in various sizes and colors. They are suitable for check-ins, access control in water parks, spas, and pools, and can be customized with Pantone hues and logos. Available in 125 KHz, 13.56 MHz UHF, and NFC frequencies.

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Detail Produk

UHF RFID Wristbands are waterproof fixed-size wristbands molded from high-quality hypoallergenic silicone. Available in a variety of sizes and colors, with or without branding, in 125 KHz, 13.56 MHz UHF, and NFC frequencies.

UFH RFID Wristbands

Structure of the wristband

The GJ006 oval ̤74 mm silicone RFID bracelet is over-molded with premium food-grade WACKER silicone and has an RFID chip on the chip. With inner band diameters of 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, utawa 74 mm, it is offered in two sizes. able can be debossed with filler ink or molded in any Pantone color. Your logo may be put on it using silicone ink.

RFID Wristbands

Application of the Wristband

This wristband, made of waterproof silicone, is ideal for visitors or members who must check-in or who need RFID to manage entry to areas such as water parks, spas, or pools. These wristbands are easy to wear and have safe RFID locking and access control applications in workplaces.



  • Inner diameter sizes: 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, utawa 74 mm
  • These bands are made of premium Wacker silicone, which gives them flexibility, comfort, and durability.
  • Colors: Orange, Putih, Black, Purple, Pink, Biru, Ijo, Yellow, and Red
  • Personalized: distinct Pantone hues and logo/branding
  • Logo: Infilled ink laser logo or printed silicone ink logo
  • Laser numbering for serial numbers Yes, it is waterproof Yes, it is hypoallergenic
  • Temperature range for storage: -40 kanggo 100 degrees C
  • Operating temperature range: -40 to 120°C



  1. Pools
  2. Spas
  3. Waterparks
  4. Surf Parks
  5. Gyms and Fitness Centers
  6. Kontrol Akses
  7. Memberships
  8. Lockers & Rentals

Available Types

We offer this wristband in these frequencies. Please contact us about the specific chip you need for your application.

  1. 125 KHz
  2. 13.56MHz
  3. UHF
  4. NFC
  5. Custom

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