UHF Special Tag


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უახლესი ამბები

UHF Special Tag

მოკლე აღწერა:

UHF special tags are electronic tags using ultra-high frequency RFID technology, designed for unique applications. They have a working frequency of 860MHz–960MHz, a larger communication distance, and fast data transmission. They are ideal for industrial production line asset management, asset management, and smart transportation. They have a 1 year warranty.

გამოგვიგზავნეთ ელ.წერილი


პროდუქტის დეტალი

UHF special tags are electronic tags that use ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID technology. Special capabilities and designs are generally included for unique application circumstances.

UHF Special Tag

Technical features:

  1. Working frequency: 860MHz–960MHz, depending on spectrum allotment in various nations.
  2. UHF tags have a larger communication distance than low-frequency and high-frequency RFID tags, generally several meters or more.
  3. UHF tags read and write tag information fast due to their high data transmission rate.
  4. To enhance data transmission security and stability, UHF tags often contain encryption and anti-collision algorithms.
  5. Special roles:
  6. UHF special tags that can withstand high temperatures are ideal for industrial production line asset management.
  7. To assure reading performance on metal surfaces, UHF special tags employ unique antenna designs and materials.
  8. Waterproof and dustproof tags are ideal for asset management outdoors or in hostile situations.
  9. Batch reading: UHF special tags enhance reading efficiency and accuracy by reading many tags simultaneously.


Technical features


Technical features01

განაცხადის სცენარები:

  1. Logistics and warehouse management: UHF special tags increase logistics efficiency and accuracy by tracking, inventorying, and managing items.
  2. Asset management: UHF special tags can monitor and manage assets in manufacturing, medical care, libraries, და ა.შ. to avoid loss and misplacement.
  3. UHF special tags may be used for commodity anti-theft, inventory, and consumer behavior research in retail.
  4. UHF special tags may be used for vehicle identification and tracking in intelligent transportation to enable intelligent parking, მანქანის მართვა, and other services.

UHF Special Tag01


Functional Specifications:

  • RFID პროტოკოლი: EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C სიხშირე: (აშშ) 902-928MHz, (ევროკავშირი) 865-868MHz IC type: Alien Higgs-3
    Memory: EPC 96bits (Up to 480bits) , USER 512bits, TID64bits
    Write Cycles: 100,000 Functionality: Read/write Data Retention: Up to 50 Years Applicable Surface: Metal Surfaces
  • Read Range:
    (Fix Reader)
  • Read Range:
    (ხელის მკითხველი)
  • 260cm – (აშშ) 902-928MHz; 250cm – (ევროკავშირი) 865-868MHz, On metal
  • 130cm – (აშშ) 902-928MHz; 120cm – (ევროკავშირი) 865-868MHz, Off metal
  • 190cm – (აშშ) 902-928MHz; 150cm – (ევროკავშირი) 865-868MHz, On metal
  • 100cm – (აშშ) 902-928MHz; 90cm – (ევროკავშირი) 865-868MHz, Off metal
  • Warranty: 1 Year

დატოვე შენი შეტყობინება


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