UHF Textile Laundry Tag

UHF Tags

Kurte Danasîn:

The 10-Laundry5815 UHF Textile Laundry Tag model is suitable for fabrics and non-metallic objects, supporting three frequencies: FCC, ETSI, and CHN. It has undergone extensive testing, including over 200 washing cycle verifications, and is suitable for industrial washing, rêveberiya yekgirtî, medical and military clothes management. It offers customizable sizing, and water resistance, and can be laser engraved for easy item management. It has a 20-year data storage and lifetime.

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Detail Product

The 10-Laundry5815 UHF Textile Laundry Tag model is intended for use with fabrics or non-metallic objects. It satisfies the usage requirements of many nations and regions by supporting three frequencies: FCC, ETSI, and CHN. Following an extensive testing procedure that included over 200 washing cycle verifications, the dependability of the material and design has been verified in full. We guarantee that every tag has undergone complete functional testing to guarantee top-notch functionality. To help you achieve more precise and effective item management, this laundry tag is a great option for industrial washing, rêveberiya yekgirtî, medical and military clothes management, etc.

Wekî din, we provide customized customization services and may change the tag size to suit the demands of the client. Its soft material, tiny internal module, and stable pasteability even at high pressures of up to 60 bar are its main features. In order to guarantee that the tag can be securely fastened in a variety of settings, it may also be secured simultaneously by stitching.
UHF Tags


Product advantages:

robust washability; capable of withstanding over 200 washing cycles.
superior components and cutting-edge designs that have all passed extensive dependability testing.
Every tag has undergone complete functional testing to guarantee worry-free use.

laundry UHF tag

Product features:

Offer individualized custom sizing services to satisfy a range of requirements.
Suitable for a range of high-temperature situations, it is constructed from materials resistant to high temperatures.
Allow barcodes to be laser engraved for simple item administration and tracking.
has outstanding water resistance to guarantee regular functioning in a range of humid conditions.



Compliance EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C
Pircarînî 845~ 950MHz
Chip Impinj R6P
Memory EPC 96bits,User 32bits
Read/write Erê
Data Storage 20 years
Lifetime 200 wash cycles or 2 years from shipping date

(whichever comes first)

Material Textile
Dimension LxWxH: 36x18x1.5, 35x15x1.5
Storage Temperature -40℃~ +85
Operating Temperature 1) Washing: 90(194οF), 15 minutes, 200 cysle

2) Pre-drying in Tumbler: 180(320οF), 30minutes

3) Ironer: 180(356οF), 10 seconds, 200 cycles

4) Sterilization Process: 135(275οF), 20 minutes

Mechanical Resistance Up to 60 bars
Delivery format Single
Installation Method Thread installation
Weight ~ 0.6g
Pakêt Antistatic bag and carton
Reng Spî
Power Supply Passive
Chemicals Normal common chemicals in the washing processes
RoHS Compatible


Up to 5.5 meters (ERP=2W)

Up to 2 meters ( With ATID AT880 handheld reader)

Polarization Liner

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