
Rêzeya meya hilbera RFID ya berfireh di nav xwe de Keyfob RFID heye, Wristband RFID, Karta RFID, Tag rfid, RFID LANESTOCK Tags, Labelê RFID, RFID Reader, û EAS Tag. Em ji pargîdaniyan re çareseriyên RFID-ê bikêr û ewledar peyda dikin da ku hewcedariyên cihêreng ên serîlêdanê bicîh bînin.


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Three Proximity Wristbands, available in green, pembe, û şîn, are displayed in a row. Each silicone wristband showcases a wavy design at the center.

Proximity Wristband

Fujian RFID Solutions Co., LTD. offers RFID Proximity Wristband, designed for easy mobility in various areas like swimming pools, construction sites, and fitness facilities. These waterproof wristbands integrate RFID and

A blue UHF RFID Wristband showcases a white "RFID" text and a radio signal icon on the front.

UHF RFID Wristbands

UHF RFID Wristbands are waterproof, hypoallergenic wristbands available in various sizes and colors. They are suitable for check-ins, access control in water parks, spas, and pools, and can be customized

A Mifare RFID bracelet in red, featuring a white RFID symbol and text.

Mifare RFID bracelet

Mifare RFID bracelets are high-quality RFID wristbands used in various fields, including access control systems, micropayments, nasname, hospital management, resorts, hewzên avjenîyê, events, festivals, and amusement parks. They are made

Sê broşurên silicone li kêleka hev têne xuyang kirin. Ji çepê berbi rastê, Rengên şîn in, zer, û orange-bêkêmasî ji bo zêdekirina splash rengê li berhevoka we.

Bracelets Mifare

The RFID Bracelets Mifare is a popular choice in the entertainment industry due to its comfort, security, and customer experience. It is made of silicone and is waterproof, moisture-proof, û…

A yellow Mifare Wristband featuring white "RFID" text and a signal icon, made from a rubber-like material in a circular design.

Mifare Wristband

The RFID Mifare Wristband offers excellent stability, waterproofness, flexibility, and comfort, suitable for club members, seasonal pass locations, and exclusive/VIP clubs. It comes in various sizes and colors and can

The Wrist Band Access Control, featuring a green design with 'RFID' printed in white on the front, offers effortless access management against a simple white backdrop.

Wrist Band Access Control

Wrist Band Access Control is a practical and comfortable device designed for various activities and positions. It is waterproof, impact-resistant, and has high-temperature resistance, making it suitable for various scenarios.

Close-up of an orange RFID Wristbands For Events, featuring the text "RFID" with signal lines on either side.

RFID Wristbands For Events

The RFID Wristbands For Events is a smart accessory designed for events, meetings, and special occasions. Made of high-quality silicone, it offers comfort and durability. It integrates advanced RFID technology

Two RFID Magnetic IButtons, featuring blue electronic key fobs with circular metal contacts, are shown against a white background.

RFID Magnetic IButton

The RFID Magnetic IButton Dallas Magnetic Tag Reader DS9092 One Wire iButton Probe with LED provides electrical contact for data transport. It is suitable for access control, monitoring work in

Pênc Kulîlkên Paqijkirî yên Plastic Plastic ji berhevoka RFID ya Ibutton, her yek bi tîpek rfid û di reş de peyda dibe, şîn, zer, sor, û rengên kesk, bi rengek têne danîn.

Ibutton Rfid

The DS1990A F5 module-equipped Ibutton RFID keychain is a sophisticated RFID chip that provides dependable data transmission and storage capabilities. It allows key fobs to securely exchange information and authenticate

An RFID Silicone Keyfob in blue, attached to a metal key ring and chain, isolated on a white background.

RFID Silicone Keyfob

The RFID Silicone Keyfob is a comfortable, non-slip, and wear-resistant product with a built-in RFID chip for access control and item tracking. Available in various colors, it is suitable for

Avahiyek pîşesazî ya mezin a gewr bi gelek pencereyên şîn-rengkirî û du deriyên sereke bi serbilindî di binê zelaliyekê de radiweste, ezmanê şîn. Bi logoya "PBZ Business Park," ew "Derbarê Me" de pêk tîne" mîsyona peydakirina çareseriyên karsaziya pêşîn.

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