
Rêzeya meya hilbera RFID ya berfireh di nav xwe de Keyfob RFID heye, Wristband RFID, Karta RFID, RFID Tag, RFID Livestock Tags, Labelê RFID, RFID Reader, û EAS Tag. Em ji pargîdaniyan re çareseriyên RFID-ê bikêr û ewledar peyda dikin da ku hewcedariyên cihêreng ên serîlêdanê bicîh bînin.


Berhemên diyarkirî

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RFID Silicone Washing Tag

RFID Silicone Washing Tag

Etîketa şuştina RFID ya Silicone ji bo Nasnameya Tekstîl û Cilûbergan etîketek UHF-ya pir domdar e ku ji bo serîlêdanên şuştina pîşesazî hatî çêkirin da ku li ber çerxên şuştin û zuwakirinê yên di pîşeyî de li ber xwe bide.…

RFID Tag Projects

RFID Tag Projects

Laundry RFID Tag Projects are a versatile, efficient, and durable product suitable for various laundry applications. Utilizing ultra-high frequency technology, they support long-distance batch reading with 100% accuracy, reducing labor

RFID Silicone Laundry Tag

RFID Silicone Laundry Tag

RFID silicone laundry tags with an industrial design improve performance in high-pressure dehydration and ironing environments. Utilizing ultra-high frequency (UHF) tag technology, they support long-distance batch reading and have 100%

UHF Tags

UHF Textile Laundry Tag

The 10-Laundry5815 UHF Textile Laundry Tag model is suitable for fabrics and non-metallic objects, supporting three frequencies: FCC, ETSI, and CHN. It has undergone extensive testing, including over 200 washing



The RFID Tag UHF Laundry Tag 5815 is a robust and versatile tag designed for textile or non-metallic applications. It has three frequency options and can withstand over 200 washing

A hexagonal metal bolt featuring a black circular insert on its head, perfect for use in RFID Tag Construction.

RFID Tag Construction

RFID Tag Construction brings modern and efficient solutions to the construction industry by improving management efficiency, construction accuracy and safety.

RFID Retail Tracking

RFID Retail Tracking

Protokola RFID: EPC Class1 Gen2, Frequency ISO18000-6C: ME(902-928MHZ), EU(865-868MHZ) IC type: NXP UCODE 8 Memory: EPC 128bits , USER 0bits, TID 96bits Write Cycles: Minimum 100,000 times Functionality: Read/write Data Retention: 50 Years

The Industrial RFID Tracking system guarantees the accurate installation of the black rectangular rubber bumper, which includes two screw holes on each end.

Industrial RFID Tracking

Industrial RFID Tracking RFID Protocol: EPC Class1 Gen2, Frequency ISO18000-6C: ME(902-928MHZ), EU(865-868MHZ) IC type: NXP UCODE 8 Memory: EPC 128bits , USER 0bits, TID 96bits Write Cycles: Minimum 100,000 times Functionality:…

Solutions RFID Pîşesazî

Solutions RFID Pîşesazî

Protokola RFID: EPC Class1 Gen2, Frequency ISO18000-6C: ME(902-928MHZ), EU(865-868MHZ) IC type: NXP UCODE 8 Memory: EPC 128bits , USER 0bits, TID 96bits Write Cycles: Minimum 100,000 times Functionality: Read/write Data Retention: 50 Years

Tag RFID Ourdoot

Tag RFID Ourdoot

Mezinayî: D40mm Stûrahiya: 3.0mm Material: Rengê PCB: Reş (Sor, Şîn, Kesk, Spî) Mounting Methods: Adhesive Weight: 8.2g

Avahiyek pîşesazî ya mezin a gewr bi gelek pencereyên şîn-rengkirî û du deriyên sereke bi serbilindî di binê zelaliyekê de radiweste, ezmanê şîn. Bi logoya "PBZ Business Park," ew "Derbarê Me" de pêk tîne" mîsyona peydakirina çareseriyên karsaziya pêşîn.

Bi Me re Têkilî Bikin


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