
Rêzeya meya hilbera RFID ya berfireh di nav xwe de Keyfob RFID heye, Wristband RFID, Karta RFID, Tag rfid, RFID LANESTOCK Tags, Labelê RFID, RFID Reader, û EAS Tag. Em ji pargîdaniyan re çareseriyên RFID-ê bikêr û ewledar peyda dikin da ku hewcedariyên cihêreng ên serîlêdanê bicîh bînin.


Berhemên diyarkirî

Nûçeyên dawî

Two white portable digital luggage scales, featuring blue buttons and display screens, utilize advanced technology akin to the Animal Micro Chip Scanner RFID, ensuring accurate readings and seamless operation.

Animal Micro Chip Scanner RFID

The Animal Micro Chip Scanner RFID is a low-frequency tag scanner designed for resource management, railway inspection, and small animal management. It uses wireless identification technology and has a high-brightness

Xwendekarê RFID ya Portable

Xwendekarê RFID ya Portable

The PT160 Portable RFID Reader is a reliable and portable device designed for reading RFID tags. It uses advanced technology, a high-brightness OLED display, and a rechargeable battery for a

Portêwaza xwendina heywanê ya Handheld a Handheld Sleek e, cîhaza reş a oval-ê bi logoya panda panda li jor, Idedeal ji bo bikaranîna destkeftî ya hêsan.

Portable chip handheld animal

Portableêwaza Xwendekarên Kevir ên Handheld ji bo rêveberiya heywanan amûrek sivik e, Piştgiriya tagê ya elektronîkî ya cuda û taybetmendiyek mezin a zelal a zelal. Ew dikare bixwîne, dikan, and transmit

Close-up of the RFID Animal Scanner, a gray handheld plastic device featuring a circular opening at the top adorned with a blue rim and several screws on the front.

Kevneşopek heywanên rfid

This RFID Animal Scanner is a popular product for animal management due to its compact, rounded design and excellent performance. It supports various electronic tag formats, including FDX-B and EMID,…

RFID Tag Scanner

RFID Tag Scanner

RFID Tag Scanner are automatic identification devices that read electronic tags by sending a radio signal to the tag and receiving its return signal. They are widely used in various

The Pet Microchip Scanner is a portable electronic device with a circular handle and a screen that displays options such as Scan, Wi-Fi History, Clear Records, and Upload.

Pet Microchip Scanner

The Pet Microchip Scanner is a compact and rounded animal chip reader designed for tracking and identifying animals. It offers robust mobility, excellent compatibility, a clear display, a large storage

Animal Chip Scanner

Animal Chip Scanner

The Animal Chip Scanner is a compact and portable animal management tool with wide compatibility, clear display, powerful storage function and flexible upload methods. It supports a variety of animal



RFID Bird Rings are passive RFID tags that record the unique identification and time of a bird’s visit to an RFID feeder. They work in the -40°C to 80°C temperature

Rfid FDX-B Animal Glass Tag

RFID FDX-B Animal Glass Tag

The Rfid FDX-B Animal Glass Tag is a passive glass transponder used for fish and animal identification. It follows the ISO 11784/11785 fix-b international standard and is widely used in

Animal RFID Glass Tag

Animal RFID Glass Tag

Animal RFID glass tags are an advanced technology for animal identification and tracking. They contain an RFID chip embedded in a glass tube with a globally unique ID number, enabling

Avahiyek pîşesazî ya mezin a gewr bi gelek pencereyên şîn-rengkirî û du deriyên sereke bi serbilindî di binê zelaliyekê de radiweste, ezmanê şîn. Bi logoya "PBZ Business Park," ew "Derbarê Me" de pêk tîne" mîsyona peydakirina çareseriyên karsaziya pêşîn.

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