Mifare Schlëssel Fob
Compact MIFARE key fobs for secure authentication, backed by 10+ years of OEM/ODM expertise and bulk production capacity.
Ausgezeechent Produkter

RFID Smart Key Fob
RFID Smart Key Fobs are available in a variety of…

Mifare Key Fobs
MIFARE Schlësselfobs si kontaktlos, portable, and easy-to-use devices that…
Rezent Neiegkeeten
RFID Smart Key Fob
RFID Smart Key Fobs sinn a verschiddene Faarwen verfügbar, Dréckoptiounen an Proximitéit Technologie fir perséinlech Identifikatioun an Verifizéierung. They also provide encoding of personal and financial information…
Mifare Key Fobs
MIFARE Schlësselfobs si kontaktlos, portable, an einfach-ze-benotzen Apparater datt fir e fit verschidden Uwendungen adaptéiert kënne ginn. They are available in various colors and sizes and can be used with…