Contactless RFID tag technology is adding speed, accuracy, efficiency and security to an ever-expanding range of RFID applications Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are a substantial part of everyday life and the use of the technology continues to grow. RFID tags are a type of tracking system that uses radio frequency to search, identify, track, and communicate with items and people. Essentially, RFID tags are smart labels that can store a range of information from serial numbers, to a short description, and even pages of data. Some RFID tags include cryptographic security features for a high level of verification and authentication. RFID tags are usually identified by their radio frequencies: auau iti (LF), auau teitei (HF), and ultra-high frequency (UHF).


Hua kua tohua

Nga Korero Hou

Nga Tohu RFID mo te Inventory

Nga Tohu RFID mo te Inventory

Ko nga Tohu RFID For Inventory i hangaia mo nga taiao mahi kino, hui wera, pehanga, me nga whakaritenga aukati matū. Kei te whakamahia nuitia i roto i nga mahi horoi horoi me nga kakano i roto i nga hotera, hōhipera,…

Tūtohu RFID ka taea te horoi

Tūtohu RFID ka taea te horoi

Ko nga Tohu RFID ka taea te horoi he mea hanga mai i nga taonga PPS pumau, he pai mo nga wera teitei me nga taiao kino. He pai mo te horoi ahumahi, whakahaere kākahu, te whakahaere kakahu rongoa, whakahaere kākahu hōia,…

Product: RFID ka taea te horoi - A circular black disc with an off-center oval cutout, designed with washable RFID technology for improved durability.

RFID ka taea te horoi

Ko te hangarau RFID ka taea te horoi te whakapai ake i te whakahaerenga pukapuka ma te whiwhi i nga tuunga hua me te rahinga, te whakaiti i nga hapa me te wa i pau mo te tatau a-ringa. Ka whakaratohia hoki e ia te kaha ki te aukati i te tahae me te whakahaere hua i roto i te toa…



Ko nga mea PPS me te aukati waiariki teitei* Tukuna te -40°C~+150°C te whakamatautau huringa huringa pāmahana teitei me te iti mo nga ra e rua.. * P68 parewai me te puehu PS me te pāmahana teitei…

Four circular discs, resembling Laundry RFID tags, are stacked on a white background.

Laundry RFID

Me te diameter 20mm, te HF NTAG® e hāngai ana ki te PPS 213 Ko te tūtohu horoi he tohu putea RFID NFC ka taea te horoi (Ko te NTAG® he tohu rehita o NXP B.V., whakamahia i raro i te raihana). Me…

RFID Laundry

RFID Laundry

Ko nga hua horoi horoi RFID e whakamahia whanuitia ana i roto i nga mara maha na te pai o te whai me te kaha whakahaere me te mauroa.. Hei pupuri i te ma me te haumaru i roto i nga hohipera, ka aroturuki noa…

The description showcases a black RFID PPS Laundry Tag in the form of a circular disc set against a white background, with a shadow underneath.

RFID PPS Taputapu Taonga

Fujian RFID Solution Co., Ltd. tuku i te momo o RFID PPS Laundry Tags, tae atu ki te PPS001 me te SIL, he pai mo te whakahaere kakahu, rinena, me nga mekameka horoi. Ka taea e enei tohu te tu kaha…

Tauhokohoko Tohu RFID Mo te Textile

Tauhokohoko Tohu RFID Mo te Textile

Ka whakamahia nga Tohu RFID mo te Texitle ki nga hotera, hōhipera, me nga whare horoi mo te tuku tika, whakaaetanga, logistics, me te whakahaere pukapuka. Ko enei tohu parewai me te kaha ka taea te tuia ki runga ranei…

tūtohu horoi rfid (1)

Tohu horoi RFID

He kikokore te tohu horoi RFID, ngawari, me te ngawari. Kei runga i o whakaritenga horoi horoi, ka tuia pea, wera-hiri, he putea ranei, a ka taea te tono tere me te ngawari…

RFID Silicone Horoi Tohu

RFID Silicone Horoi Tohu

Ko te RFID Silicone Washing Tag mo te Kakano me te Whakaaturanga kakahu he tohu UHF tino roa i hangaia mo nga taputapu horoi horoi ahumahi kia mau tonu te horoi me nga huringa maroke i roto i nga mahi ngaio.…

He whare ahumahi nui hina me te maha o nga matapihi puru-puru me nga tomokanga matua e rua e tu whakahihi ana i raro i te maama, rangi kahurangi. Kua tohua ki te tohu "PBZ Business Park," kei roto i a maatau "Mo matou" te misioni ki te whakarato otinga pakihi tuatahi.

Whakapa mai ki a matou


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Tuwhera te korerorero
Matawai i te waehere
Kia ora 👋
Ka taea e matou te awhina ia koe?
Kaihanga Rfid Tag [rarawe | ĀeM | Ōrere]
Tirohanga Matatapu

Ka whakamahia e tenei paetukutuku nga pihikete kia taea ai e matou te whakarato ki a koe te wheako kaiwhakamahi pai rawa atu. Ko nga korero pihikete kei te rongoa i roto i to kaitirotiro me te mahi i nga mahi penei i te mohio ki a koe ina hoki mai koe ki to maatau paetukutuku me te awhina i ta maatau roopu ki te mohio ko nga waahanga o te paetukutuku ka kitea e koe he mea tino pai me te whai hua..