Disposable RFID Wristbands


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Disposable RFID Wristbands

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Disposable RFID wristbands are eco-friendly, durable, and durable wristbands used for identity management, идентификација, and access control in various venues. They offer quick reading, unique identification, and data encryption. These wristbands are suitable for event management, hotel services, company access control, and warehouse and logistics. They can be customized with serial numbers, barcodes, QR codes, and encoding, and can be shipped by air, sea, or express.

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Детали за производот

RFID wristbands that are disposable are meant to be used only once. In addition to providing effective identity management and identification services for a range of venues, including hotels, conferences, exhibits, and other events, they also improve participant convenience and safety.

Disposable RFID Wristbands


Производ RFID Disposable Paper Wristband
Материјал Paper
Фреквенција 125KHz, 13.56MHz, 860-960MHz
Протокол ISO14443A, ISO15693, ISO18000-6C, ISO18000-6B, итн
Chip TK4100, EM, T5577, F08, 213, Alien H3, Alien H4, Monza 4QT, Monza 4E, Monza 4D, Monza 5, итн
Memory 512 bits, 1K Byte, 144 Byte, 128 bits, итн
Reading/Writing distance 1-15m, depending on the reader and environment
Personalization Serial number, barcode, QR code, encoding, итн
Пакет Pack in OPP bag, then in carton
Shipment By Express, by air, by sea
Апликација For hospital, управување со членството, access control, плаќање, итн

Components and Style

To guarantee pleasant wear and resistance to damage, disposable RFID wristbands are often constructed from materials that are eco-friendly, strong, и меко. The wristband’s style is typically large and straightforward, but customers may request unique colors, patterns, and sizes to fit certain event themes or corporate imagery.

RFID Technology

The bracelet has inbuilt RFID chips. These chips support a variety of frequencies (including UHF and 13.56 MHz), which may be chosen based on application scenarios and customer demands. In order to guarantee the precision and security of identity verification, RFID technology allows the wristband to have features like quick reading, unique identification, data encryption, итн.


  1. Identity verification: The efficiency and security of admission are increased when participants can be swiftly verified by scanning the RFID chip on their wristband rather than needing to carry paper tickets or ID cards.
  2. Permission management: RFID wristbands may be linked to several permission settings, including consumption, check-in, and access control. Participants are given the appropriate rights based on their requirements and identities.
  3. Data security: Participantspersonal information security and privacy may be safeguarded by the data encryption features of RFID chips.
  4. Eco-friendly and biodegradable: Complying with the green and low-carbon environmental protection idea, disposable RFID wristbands are composed of eco-friendly materials and can be readily recycled or broken down after usage.

Disposable RFID Wristbands01


Апликативни сценарија

  • Event management: Disposable RFID wristbands are used for identity verification and permit management at sporting events, concerts, exhibits, and other events to increase security and efficiency of entrance.
  • Hotel services: To provide customers a more comfortable service experience, the hotel business may employ disposable RFID wristbands as room cards, electronic payment instruments, итн.
  • company access control: To protect the safety of staff members and guests, the company uses disposable RFID wristbands for access control management.
  • Warehousing and logistics: To increase the effectiveness of logistics, cargo monitoring and inventory management are two areas in which disposable RFID wristbands may be used.

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Преглед на приватност

Оваа веб-локација користи колачиња за да можеме да ви го обезбедиме најдоброто можно корисничко искуство. Информациите за колачиња се зачувани во вашиот прелистувач и извршуваат функции како што се ве препознаваат кога ќе се вратите на нашата веб-локација и му помагаат на нашиот тим да разбере кои делови од веб-локацијата ви се најинтересни и корисни.