RFID Fabric bracelets


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RFID Fabric bracelets

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RFID Fabric bracelets offer cashless payment, quick access control, reduced waiting times, and increased security at events. These wristbands come in various colors and can be personalized with your brand. РФИД (Радиофреквентна идентификација) technology automatically recognizes and tracks tags using electromagnetic fields. They can be used in leisure and entertainment venues, such as swimming pools, bath centers, and buffets, and in special event settings like hospitals, libraries, and amusement parks. Fujian RFID Solution Co., Ltd is a one-stop shop for smart cards and RFID products.

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RFID Fabric bracelets offer cashless payment, quick access control, reduced waiting times, and increased security at events. Our extensive collection of totally customisable RFID Fabric bracelets includes silicone, ПВЦ, and RFID nylon wristbands, among other options. RFID wristbands come in a range of colors, and we can personalize them with your brand.

РФИД (Радиофреквентна идентификација) automatically recognizes and tracks tags affixed to things using electromagnetic fields.
A small radio transponder, a radio receiver, and a transmitter make up an RFID system. The tag returns digital data, often an inventory number, to the RFID reader when it receives an electromagnetic interrogation pulse from a nearby device. You may keep track of inventory items using this number.

RFID Fabric bracelets RFID Fabric bracelets01



Производ Security Tracking Proximity Nylon RFID Bracelet Wristband
Големина Dial: 37*40mm

Band: 265*16mm

Printing Печатење на свила
Фреквенција 125 KHz, 13.56 MHz, 860-960 MHz
Протокол ISO/IEC 11784/785
Chip T5577, TK4100, M1 S50, F08, итн
Memory 363 bit, 512 bits, 1K Byte, 144 Byte, итн
Reading/Writing distance 3-10cm, 1-15m, depending on the reader and environment
Personalization Serial number, barcode, QR code, encoding, итн
Пакет In wrapping film, then in a smaller box, then in a carton
Shipment By Express, by air, by sea
Апликација Access Control Areas, Door Keys, Attendance, Membership, Parking Lots, итн



RFID fabric wristband application

  • Leisure and entertainment venues: RFID fabric wristbands provide members and consumers a great deal of ease at leisure and entertainment venues including swimming pools, bath centers, and buffets. Wristbands enable members to easily verify their identities and access exclusive services and discounts. They can also be used to manage lockers in swimming pools and spas, ensuring the safety of personal belongings. Finally, customers can quickly checkout and enjoy a worry-free dining experience at the buffet area by simply swiping their wristbands.
  • RFID fabric wristbands have a significant impact on the management of attendance and access control. Workers wear wristbands and use sensors to take quick attendance, which significantly increases productivity. Wristbands can also be used as passes to enter and exit designated areas in conjunction with an access control system, ensuring the security and order of the work area.
  • Member and customer service: RFID fabric wristbands are an effective way to improve member and customer service. Members only need to wear wristbands to access individualized services, like member discounts and exclusive coaching guidance, whether they are in a gym, swimming pool, or other membership venue. Merchants can also use wristbands to collect customer consumption data for CRM and precision marketing.
  • Additional unique applications: RFID fabric wristbands are often utilized in special event settings including hospitals, libraries, and amusement parks, in addition to the aforementioned circumstances. In medical facilities, they can expedite patient identification and guarantee the precision of medication and treatment; in libraries, patrons can borrow books with wristbands, streamlining the borrowing process; and in theme parks, guests can use wristbands as tickets to more easily experience different rides.


Why choose us

With over 20 years of experience, Fujian RFID Solution Co., Ltd is a one-stop shop for smart cards and RFID cards. With three modern production lines and a 1,300 square meter production scale, we have a complete production chain that enables us to produce over 150 million cards and other RFID products annually. We are well-known for our superior artwork, reliable quality, affordable direct factory pricing, elegant packaging, and timely shipping.

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Оваа веб-локација користи колачиња за да можеме да ви го обезбедиме најдоброто можно корисничко искуство. Информациите за колачиња се зачувани во вашиот прелистувач и извршуваат функции како што се ве препознаваат кога ќе се вратите на нашата веб-локација и му помагаат на нашиот тим да разбере кои делови од веб-локацијата ви се најинтересни и корисни.