RFID FDX-B Animal Glass Tag


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Rfid FDX-B Animal Glass Tag

Краток опис:

The Rfid FDX-B Animal Glass Tag is a passive glass transponder used for fish and animal identification. It follows the ISO 11784/11785 fix-b international standard and is widely used in fisheries, laboratory research, and scientific research. The microchips have exceptional quality and reliability, lasting for years. They are manufactured using RFID and NFC technologies and offer a wide range of products, including RFID tags, stickers, картички, and NFC-related items.

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Детали за производот

Rfid FDX-B Animal Glass Tag is a passive glass transponder designed for fish and animal identification. As a global standard pit tag used by millions of animals and fish worldwide, it follows the ISO 11784/11785 fix-b international standard, ensuring seamless compatibility with other devices and products that use this standard. These microchips have unparalleled quality and reliability and can last for many years, providing a durable and stable solution for the identification of animals and fish.



Model RFID Glass Tube Tag
Chip Type Read and write
Фреквенција(Adjust) 125KHz / 134.2KHz / 13.56MHz
Протокол ISO 11785 & ISO 11784 / FDX-B
Write Times > 1,000,000 times
Dimension 1.25*7mm, 1.4*8mm, 2*8mm, 2*12mm, 3*15mm ect
Материјал Biological material coating coverage, Bio-glass, Anti-bacterial, Anti-allergy
Anti-static Anti-electrostatic breakdown, Anti-pressure above 5000V
Operating Temperature -20°C ~ 50 °C
Storage Temperature -40°C ~ 70 °C
Working Time > 20 years
Read Range 20 – 50 mm
Syringe Color Transparent
Syringe Material Polypropylene
Packaging Material Medical-grade sterilization pouch
Syringe Sterilization EO Gas
Operating Temperature -10°C – 45°C
Storage Temperature -20°C – 50°C
Period of Validity 10 years

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Application of RFID Animal Microchips

RFID animal microchips are widely used in various scenarios. In fisheries, they are used to tag fish and salmon for precise tracking and management. In laboratory research, these microchips replace traditional ear tags for the identification of experimental animals such as mice and rats. In scientific research, microchips are used to track and identify animal populations, providing strong support for ecological research and protection. Покрај тоа, they also play an important role in game and wildlife management, helping to monitor and manage wildlife resources to ensure ecological balance and sustainable development.

Application of RFID Animal Microchips Application of RFID Animal Microchips01


Manufacturing of RFID and NFC products

We welcome OEM or ODM partners! For ten years, our firm has concentrated on producing goods using RFID and NFC technologies. We provide a wide variety of RFID and NFC solutions to our partners thanks to our extensive knowledge and cutting-edge technology. Our product range includes RFID tags, stickers, картички, and NFC-related items such as flexible windshield tags, police buttons, library tags, clothing tags, jewelry tags, anti-metal tags, flexible windshield tags, key chains, and ceramic anti-tampering vehicle tags. Chips and sizes may be added to any product to suit the demands of the consumer.

Our dedication to providing services

Since we understand how crucial time is to business, we guarantee to provide partners with excellent services that are delivered and responded to quickly. To guarantee that every product satisfies exacting requirements, we have a thorough manufacturing process and a stringent quality control system. Покрај тоа, we follow a fair pricing policy so that partners may take advantage of the best deals on premium services. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any requests or inquiries; we would be happy to help.Rfid FDX-B Animal Glass Tag

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Производител на Rfid Tag [Трговија на големо | OEM | ОДМ]
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Оваа веб-локација користи колачиња за да можеме да ви го обезбедиме најдоброто можно корисничко искуство. Информациите за колачиња се зачувани во вашиот прелистувач и извршуваат функции како што се ве препознаваат кога ќе се вратите на нашата веб-локација и му помагаат на нашиот тим да разбере кои делови од веб-локацијата ви се најинтересни и корисни.