RFID Tag Construction


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A hexagonal metal bolt featuring a black circular insert on its head, perfect for use in RFID Tag Construction.

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RFID Tag Construction brings modern and efficient solutions to the construction industry by improving management efficiency, construction accuracy and safety.

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RFID Tag Construction brings modern and efficient solutions to the construction industry by improving management efficiency, construction accuracy and safety.

RFID Tag Construction RFID Tag Construction 01



RFID tags

Construction Management

  • Material Management: RFID tags allow for real-time tracking and management of a variety of materials on building sites. RFID tags may be used to swiftly capture the amount, characteristics, and source of items as they enter the site. This information can then be linked to the data in the database to enhance the efficiency of material management and use.
  • Equipment Management: RFID tags are used in equipment management to store data such as purchase date, maintenance history, and basic equipment information.
  • This facilitates equipment scheduling, maintenance planning, and resource optimization for management.
  • Tracking Progress: RFID tags may be used to monitor each part’s progress throughout a building project, ensuring that jobs are finished on schedule.

Safety and Personnel Management

  • Personnel Management: To guarantee efficient workflow and increase safety, workers on construction sites may be issued work certificates or wear wristbands with RFID tags to track their locations, work areas, and times of arrival and departure in real time.
  • Safety Management: RFID technology may also be used to monitor shelter facilities and safety equipment. For example, staff hard helmets with embedded RFID tags can be automatically programmed to detect when they are being worn.

Prefabricated Component Management

RFID prefabricated parts may save prices while increasing accuracy and efficiency in building. The amount of time and labor required for on-site building is decreased by preassembling and inserting RFID tags in the factory.
Utilize RFID readers to monitor and control prefabricated parts, expedite the assembly process, and use wireless signals to track the location and posture of parts in real time.

Functional Specifications:


Functional Specifications:

РФИД протокол:

EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C


(САД) 902-928MHz, (ЕУ) 865-868MHz

IC type:

Alien Higgs-3


EPC 96bits (Up to 480bits) , USER 512bits, TID64bits

Write Cycles:

100,000 times


Read / Write

Data Retention:

Up to 50 Years

Applicable Surface:

Read Range :

(Fix Reader)

200cm, (САД) 902-928MHz

200cm, (ЕУ) 865-868MHz

Read Range :

(Рачен читач)

120cm, (САД) 902-928MHz

120cm, (ЕУ) 865-868MHz


1 Year


Physical Specifications:

Antenna Size:

M16 Screw


304 Steel


Silver gray

Mounting Methods:




Environmental Specifications:

IP Rating:


Storage Temperature:

-40°С to +150°С

Operation Temperature:

-40°С to +100°С


Reach Approved, RoHS Approved,CE Approved

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Производител на Rfid Tag [Трговија на големо | OEM | ОДМ]
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Оваа веб-локација користи колачиња за да можеме да ви го обезбедиме најдоброто можно корисничко искуство. Информациите за колачиња се зачувани во вашиот прелистувач и извршуваат функции како што се ве препознаваат кога ќе се вратите на нашата веб-локација и му помагаат на нашиот тим да разбере кои делови од веб-локацијата ви се најинтересни и корисни.