RFID Tag Industrial


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RFID Tag Industrial

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На 7017 Textile Laundry RFID Tag Industrial is an ultra-high frequency (UHF) tag designed for textiles or non-metallic objects. It offers consistent and reliable radio frequency operation across various conditions, with exceptional resilience. The tag can withstand up to 200 industrial washing cycles and has three frequency options: FCC, ETSI, and CHN. Its features include durability, stability, and functional testing. The tag’s customizable size, soft material construction, and compact module make it suitable for various applications, including industrial washing, еднообразно управување, управување со медицинска облека, military clothing management, and people patrol management.

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Детали за производот

An ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID tag made specifically for textiles or non-metallic objects is the 7017 Textile Laundry RFID Tag Industrial. Aiming for consistent and dependable radio frequency operation across a range of conditions, the tag’s exceptional resilience allows it to survive up to 200 industrial washing cycles.

rfid tag industrial (1)


Compliance EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C
Фреквенција 865~868MHz, or 902~928MHz
Chip Impinj R6P
Memory EPC 96bits,User 32bits
Read/write Да
Data Storage 20 years
Lifetime 200 wash cycles or 2 years from shipping date (whichever comes first)
Материјал Textile
Dimension LxWxH: 70 x 10 x 1.5mm / 2.756 x 0.398 x 0.059 inch
Storage Temperature -40℃~ +85
Operating Temperature 1) Washing: 90(194οF), 15 minutes, 200 cycle

2) Pre-drying in Tumbler: 180(320οF), 30minutes

3) Ironer: 180(356οF), 10 секунди, 200 cycles

4) Sterilization Process: 135(275οF), 20 minutes

Mechanical Resistance Up to 60 bars
Delivery format Single
Installation Method Thread installation
Weight ~ 0.6g
Пакет Antistatic bag and carton
Боја Бело
Power Supply Passive
Chemicals Normal common chemicals in the washing processes
RoHS Compatible
Read distance Up to 5.5 meters (ERP=2W)

Up to 2 meters ( With ATID AT880 handheld reader)

Polarization Liner


Options for Frequency

На 7017 tag offers three frequency options: FCC (Federal Communications Commission), ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), and CHN (Кина), providing seamless use globally to fulfill the frequency use requirements of various nations and regions.

Features of Performance

Трајност: To guarantee steady performance even after many washes, the materials and design have undergone extensive reliability testing.
Stability: The RF performance of the tag can continue to be dependable and stable even at high pressures of 60 bar.
Functional testing: Every tag is 100% tested for functionality to guarantee that it is of the highest caliber and satisfies use criteria.

Product Benefits

Customizability: The tag’s size may be altered to suit the requirements of the client and various application situations.
Soft material: The tag’s durability is increased in addition to its comfort level thanks to its soft material construction.
Compact module: The tag’s module is compact and doesn’t take up much room, which makes it simple to sew or glue onto fabrics.


Domains of application

  • Industrial washing: На 7017 tag may provide stable and dependable identification services to assist increase washing efficiency and management level in locations like hotels and hospitals where a big quantity of textiles need to be cleaned.
  • Uniform management: By sewing or pasting 7017 tags, uniforms may be readily monitored and controlled in the domains of public safety, fire protection, and security.
  • Medical apparel management: It’s critical to clean and sanitize medical apparel in the medical industry. Medical apparel may be managed and monitored in real time with the
  • 7017 tag, ensuring both hygiene and security.
  • Military clothing management: Both monitoring and managing apparel are crucial in the armed forces. На 7017 tag may increase management effectiveness and enable real-time monitoring and inventory of military apparel for the armed forces.
  • Patrol management: It is simple to accomplish real-time tracking and monitoring of patrol workers by integrating the 7017 tag with their uniforms or equipment. This enhances the security and effectiveness of patrol activity.

How to apply

Textiles may have the 7017 label sewn on (thread installation). Please make sure the label is firm and flat while sewing to prevent it from coming off or becoming damaged when washing or using it.

На 7017 textile laundry label has a wide range of applications in industrial washing, еднообразно управување, medical clothing management, military clothing management, and people patrol management because of its exceptional durability, stability, and customizability. This label may be used to increase management effectiveness and service quality, which will strongly assist the growth of different sectors.

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