RFID Wrist Tag


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RFID Wrist Tag

Краток опис:

The RFID Wrist Tag is a convenient way for hotel guests to wear their key card while enjoying all hotel services. It is tamper-proof, disposable, and durable. It is used in various applications such as amusement parks, water parks, and events. Fujian RFID Solutions Co., Ltd. offers a wide range of RFID NFC stickers, етикети, and cards with varying forms, sizes, chips, materials, adhesive, printing, and encoding.

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Детали за производот

RFID Wrist Tag allows hotel and resort guests to conveniently wear their hotel key card on their wrist while experiencing all the hotel services. Allow your guests to enjoy a secure stay in a cashless environment and feel hassle-free with an itemized bill or statement to settle charges upon check-out.

RFID Wrist Tag



Материјал: Plastic
Големина: 265*20.5*11.5ММ
Боја: Customized printing for wristband and card both
Printing: Full color, logo, image, texts, barcode, QR code, serial numbers, plain colors
Features: Tamper-proof, disposable, durable
Packing details: 100парчиња/торба
Апликации: Amusement Parks, Water Parks, Carnival, Festival, Club, Bar, Buffet, Exhibition, Party, Concert, Events, Marathon, Training, итн.
Model SJ007
Фреквенција Протокол Read range Chip Memory Customization
13.56mhz ISO14443A 1-5cm M1 Classic 1K / Fudan F08 UID 4/7byte,

User 1K byte

Encoding Serial No., URL, words, contacts, итн.
      TAG213 UID 7byte,

Корисник 144 byte

      TAG215 UID 7byte,

Корисник 504 byte

      TAG216 UID 7byte,

Корисник 888 byte

      Ultralight UID 7byte,

Корисник 640 bit

      Ultralight C UID 7byte,

Корисник 1536 bit

860-960mhz ISO18000-6C, EPC C1 Gen2 1-10m (In the air) Alien H3, H4 H4: EPC 128bit, UID 96bit, User 128bit Notice that the H3 chip halted production already.
      Monza 4E, 4QT 4QT:EPC 128bit, UID 32bit, User 152bit  
      Monza R6, R6-P R6-P:EPC 128bit, UID 96bit, User 64bit  
      U7, U8 U8: EPC 128bit, UID 96bit, User 32bit  
* Please write us a message to get the complete chip list file from LF ~ UHF.

RFID Wrist Tag01 RFID Wrist Tag03


Production time:

1. Spot sample order: within a few days after payment.
2. Personalized sample order: 5–12 business days, depending on sample information.
3. Official order: Depending on amount, 7–15 working days.


Why choose us?

The goal of Fujian RFID Solutions Co., Ltd. is to develop, design, and manufacture smart cards, RFID tags, RFID wristbands, and other related products. We provide a range of labels for large-scale bids via domestic trading businesses and system integrators, including new retail in self-service supermarkets, логистичко следење, управување со магацин, and library administration.
To fit the diverse use settings of our clients, we can create a wide range of RFID NFC stickers, етикети, and cards with varying forms, sizes, chips, materials, adhesive, printing, encoding, итн. Strong customizability means that clients are happy with our tailored support.
We have extensive export expertise, and our overseas sales representatives have received professional training in business, РФИД, and international commerce. You will undoubtedly be satisfied with our excitement and 24-hour service attitude, and we look forward to becoming your reliable long-term partner.



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Производител на Rfid Tag [Трговија на големо | OEM | ОДМ]
Преглед на приватност

Оваа веб-локација користи колачиња за да можеме да ви го обезбедиме најдоброто можно корисничко искуство. Информациите за колачиња се зачувани во вашиот прелистувач и извршуваат функции како што се ве препознаваат кога ќе се вратите на нашата веб-локација и му помагаат на нашиот тим да разбере кои делови од веб-локацијата ви се најинтересни и корисни.