Амьтны чип сканнер


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Амьтны чип сканнер

Богино тайлбар:

Амьтны чип сканнер нь өргөн нийцтэй, авсаархан, зөөврийн амьтны менежментийн хэрэгсэл юм, тодорхой дэлгэц, хүчирхэг хадгалах функц, уян хатан байршуулах аргууд. It supports a variety of animal chips, including EMID and FDX-B, with a reading time of less than 100ms. The reader has a 1.44-inch TFT LCD screen, a 3.7V lithium battery, and can operate in a wide range of temperatures. It has a built-in storage function that can store up to 500 tag details, which can be accessed via USB, wireless 2.4G or Bluetooth. The reader is stable and durable, and is manufactured with high-quality components and manufacturing technology. It is used for animal identification, удирдлага, wildlife protection, laboratory animal management, and automated animal husbandry.

Бидэнд имэйл илгээнэ үү

Бидэнтэй хуваалцаарай:

Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй

This Animal Chip Scanner has become a powerful assistant in the field of animal management with its compact and portable design, wide compatibility, тодорхой дэлгэц, powerful storage function, flexible upload method, and stable performance.

Амьтны чип сканнер



Төслүүд параметр
Загвар AR001 W90A
Үйл ажиллагааны давтамж 134.2 Хаза/125 Хаза
Шошгоны формат Дунд、FDX-B(ISO 11784/85)
Унших, бичих зай 2~12мм шилэн хоолойн шошго>8см

30мм амьтны чихний шошго> 20см (шошгоны гүйцэтгэлтэй холбоотой)

Стандартууд ISO 11784/85
Унших цаг <100ms
Утасгүй зай 0-80m(Хүртээмж)
Bluetooth зай 0-20m(Хүртээмж)
Дохионы заалт 1.44 инчийн TFT LCD дэлгэц, дуугаралт
Цахилгаан 3.7В (800мАч лити батерей)
Хадгалах багтаамж 500 зурвасууд
Харилцаа холбооны интерфейсүүд USB2.0, Утасгүй 2.4G, Bluetooth (сонголттой)
Хэл Англи (хэрэглэгчийн шаардлагын дагуу өөрчилж болно)
Ашиглалтын температур -10℃~50℃
Хадгалах температур -30℃~70℃

Animal Chip Scanner01


  1. Дизайн ба зөөвөрлөх чадвар: The tiny, rounded form is not only comfortable to grasp, but it can be used in a variety of settings, including the wild, animal clinics, and labs.
    Even after a lengthy procedure, you won’t feel fatigued since it is comfy.
  2. Өргөн хүрээний нийцтэй байдал: Ensures compatibility with the majority of animal chips available on the market by supporting electronic tags in numerous forms, such as EMID and FDX-B (ISO 11784/85). The card reader’s broad interoperability enables it to function well in a range of application settings.
  3. clear presentation: It has a 1.44TFT display that makes it easy to see the device status and tag number. It is quick and easy to examine the reading results directly without having to connect to a computer or mobile device.
  4. Strong storage feature: built-in storage feature that can hold up to 500 tag details.
    If there are no urgent upload requirements, the read data may be initially saved in the card reader and then universally transferred at a later time.
  5. Flexible upload method: The saved data may be transferred to the computer for further processing or backup by using a USB connection to connect the card reader to the computer.
  6. Allows for wireless 2.4G or Bluetooth real-time uploading; no cable is needed; read data may be transferred straight to the cloud or a mobile device.
    Various upload methods are versatile and convenient, catering to the demands of different users.
  7. Тогтвортой байдал, бат бөх байдал: The card reader may function steadily in a variety of settings after stringent quality control and testing.
    The card reader is built using premium components and manufacturing techniques, giving it a long lifespan.
  8. Хэрэглэхэд хялбар: Without specialized training, users may rapidly get up to speed with its straightforward and intuitive operation.
    Users may easily verify at any point when using it since it comes with comprehensive instructions and frequently asked questions.

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Application of Animal Chip Readers

  1. Animal Identification and Management: In animal husbandry and pet management, in particular, animal chip readers are extensively used for animal identification and management. Жишээ нь, readers on ranches may swiftly and precisely scan the data from livestock’s RFID chips, assisting farmers and veterinarians in managing and monitoring animals by obtaining animal information. It is possible to validate the identification, холбоо барих мэдээлэл, and pet owner for animals like dogs and cats by reading the information included in the chip. This is especially helpful in cases when the pet goes missing.
  2. Records and Administration of Animal Vaccinations: A crucial foundation for animal health is provided by certain cutting-edge chips, such as Bio-Implant chips, which may be used for identification as well as storing information on medications, vaccination histories, and other medical conditions.
  3. Wildlife Protection: Animal chip readers are used to capture information on animal migration, reproduction, and other aspects of wildlife protection and study. Researchers may get a greater understanding of the behaviors and behavior of wild animals by the implantation of Bio-Implant chips and the reading of their data, which will aid in the protection and study of these species.
  4. Laboratory Animal Management: Implanted chips may be used to capture data, including vital signs, and to monitor an animal’s condition in real-time. Ensuring the accuracy of experimental data and the well-being of experimental animals is crucial.
  5. Automated animal husbandry management: RFID radio frequency readers for animal breeding can swiftly read data from RFID ear tags without coming into contact with the animals, comprehend the health and nutrition status of the animals, and as a result, enable quick identification and tracking management of the animal’s identity. Breeding staff operates much more efficiently as a result, and accurate and timely data support is provided.

Та мессежээ үлдээнэ үү

Цэнхэр өнгийн олон тооны цонхтой, хоёр гол хаалгатай том саарал үйлдвэрийн барилга тунгалаг туяан дор бахархалтайгаар зогсож байна., цэнхэр тэнгэр. "PBZ Business Park" логогоор тэмдэглэгдсэн," Энэ нь бидний "Бидний тухай" тэргүүлэх бизнесийн шийдлүүдийг хангах эрхэм зорилго.

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