Наадмын RFID шийдэл


Онцлох бүтээгдэхүүн

Сүүлийн үеийн мэдээ

"Festival RFID Solutions" гэсэн цэнхэр бичвэр бүхий цагаан RFID бугуйвч" текстийн хоёр талд цэнхэр дохионы дүрс бүхий, Фестивалийн RFID шийдлийг сайжруулах зорилготой.

Богино тайлбар:

Festival RFID Solutions has revolutionized amusement and water park operations by enabling cashless payments, reducing waiting times, and providing efficient access control. The company offers reusable, тохируулах боломжтой, харанхуйд гэрэлтдэг, and LED light-up silicone RFID wristbands, which are 100% waterproof and durable. These wristbands can be used for data transfer, хандалтын хяналт, төлбөрийн удирдлага, эмнэлгүүд, усан бассейнууд, саун, болон хүйтэн хадгалах төхөөрөмж. They can also be used for contactless access control, keyless hotel doors, and social media interaction. Fujian RFID Solution is a leading provider of RFID and NFC solutions globally.

Бидэнд имэйл илгээнэ үү

Бидэнтэй хуваалцаарай:

Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй

The introduction of Fujian RFID solution (радио давтамжийг тодорхойлох) technology has brought revolutionary changes to the operation of amusement and water parks. By introducing Festival RFID Solutions, these entertainment venues not only enable cashless payments, but also greatly reduce visitors’ waiting time and provide efficient access control, making visitors’ experience smoother and more enjoyable.

As a pioneer in RFID wristband manufacturers, we have a professional team who have a deep understanding of the operational needs of different locations and can tailor-make RFID wristbands that best suit your needs. Our RFID wristbands have reliable data storage and fast transmission functions to ensure the security and real-time nature of information.

It is particularly worth mentioning that our silicone RFID wristbands are 100% waterproof and can maintain stable performance whether in the rough waves of the water park or in daily leisure activities. Үүнээс гадна, the silicone material is durable and comfortable to wear, ensuring that visitors can enjoy an intimate and comfortable experience while enjoying entertainment.

Наадмын RFID шийдэл


Festival RFID Solutions parameter

Зүйл RFID Wristband GJ021 Circle Ф61mm
Төрөл & Материал Дахин ашиглах боломжтой RFID бугуйвч: Силикон, PVC, гэх мэт.

Тохируулах боломжтой RFID бугуйвч: Полиэфир, Нэхмэлийн нэхмэл, Толбо тууз, Полиэфир, Силикон, PVC, гэх мэт.

Glow in Dark RFID бугуйвч: Силикон, гэх мэт.

LED гэрэлтдэг RFID бугуйвч: Силикон, PVC, ABS, гэх мэт.

Зөвлөмж: бат бөх, ус нэвтэрдэггүй силикон RFID бугуйвч, наадам сурталчлагч нар’ дуртай даавуун бугуйвч, or our single-use paper/plastic RFID bands. Бүх тохируулга, бүгд нэмэлт функцтэй, мөн бүгдээрээ салбартаа тэргүүлэгч эргэлтийн хугацаатай.

Хэмжээ 77мм
Тэвчээр гэж бичнэ ≥100000 мөчлөг
Хүрээг унших LF:0-5см



(Дээрх зай нь уншигч болон антеннаас хамаарна)

Өргөдөл Өгөгдөл дамжуулах, Хандалтын хяналт, Төлбөрийн удирдлага, Эмнэлгүүд. Усан бассейнууд. Саунууд. Хүйтэн агуулахууд, гэх мэт.
Нэмэлт гар урлал
Өнгө Хар, шар, улаан, ногоон, цэнхэр, ягаан, эсвэл тохируулсан.
Гар урлал Өнгө, лого, текст, QR код, зураасан код, серийн дугаар, товойлгон, сийрэгжүүлсэн, лазерын дугаар, гэх мэт.

Festival RFID Solutions Application


Festival RFID Solutions Application

  • Cashless payment: Visitors can pre-charge or bind their credit card to an RFID wristband to achieve fast and convenient payment in the park. Whether you’re buying food, drinks, souvenirs or renting equipment, there’s no need to carry cash or credit cards, just wave your wristband and you’re done.
  • Contactless access control: RFID wristbands can be used as visitorspasses to control entry and exit to various areas of the water park, such as entrances, specific rides, VIP areas, гэх мэт. By setting different permissions, the flow of tourists can be effectively managed and the safety of the park can be ensured.
  • Keyless Hotel Doors/Locker Doors: For hotels or lockers inside water parks, RFID wristbands can replace traditional keys or passwords. Visitors only need to put their wristband close to the door lock sensing area to easily open it, which is convenient and safe.
  • Social media interaction: RFID wristbands can be integrated with the water park’s social media platform to enable real-time interaction between guests. Жишээ нь, visitors can use their wristbands to participate in interactive games, competitions, or challenges in the park, and share their results or photos on social media to increase entertainment and participation.


Why choose us as an RFID solution provider

Leading the way in R&D and producing RFID and NFC devices in China, Fujian RFID Solution has consistently upheld the principles of innovation, чанар, and service to provide cutting-edge RFID and NFC solutions to clients globally.

With an emphasis on the R&D and innovation of RFID and NFC technologies, Fujian RFID Solution has an R&D staff with vast expertise and excellent technical capabilities. We keep up with the most recent scientific and technical developments, translate them into tangible goods, and provide our clients with more practical and effective solutions.

We provide a range of RFID and NFC goods that are extensively utilized in logistics, агуулах, жижиглэн худалдаа, эмнэлгийн, аюулгүй байдал, and other industries. These products include RFID readers, RFID шошго, NFC modules, and NFC cards. To make sure that every product satisfies consumer demands and national requirements, we rigorously monitor product quality.

We provide OEM (original equipment manufacturer) болон ODM (original design manufacturer) customization services to satisfy the demands of various clients. Clients may entrust us with product design, үйлдвэрлэл, OEM work, болон бусад үйлчилгээ, or they can choose one of our basic items and have it customized to suit their requirements. With our extensive OEM/ODM expertise, we can supply high-quality goods and services to customers promptly and in a timely manner.

In addition to its product line, Fujian RFID Solution offers a comprehensive array of technical consulting services and support. Our technical staff can provide clients with expert technical assistance and solutions since they have a wealth of expertise with RFID and NFC applications. We can provide prompt and competent assistance with any task, including product selection, solution design, system integration, and after-sale support.

Our goods have gained the respect and confidence of our clients and have been sold to several nations and areas worldwide. We consistently uphold thecustomer firstphilosophy and work to improve our offerings to better satisfy our clientswide range of demands.

Fujian RFID Solution intends to augment its investment in R&Д, broaden the scope of its product applications, and enhance the caliber of its products and services. Our goal is to lead the world in RFID and NFC technology and provide our clients with more sophisticated and effective solutions.


Түгээмэл асуултууд

Q1: Is your business a trade firm or a manufacturer?
A1: Түүнээс хойш 2014, we have been producing high-quality RFID silicone wristbands.

Q2: How are the shipping procedures handled?
А2: You may choose UPS, FedEx, TNT, DHL, or EMS for lightweight and urgent orders. To save money, you may decide whether to ship the items by sea or by air for big weight.
Q3: How are the modes of payment handled?
A3: You may pay us using Western Union or PayPal for modest amounts, and we also take T/T.
4-р улирал: When will you be delivering?
А4: After payment, we typically start production in 10–13 working days. Express shipment takes around 3–5 days, depending on the location.
Q5: Can I imprint your wristband with our logo, бар код, unique QR code, or series number?
А5: Ямар ч эргэлзээгүйгээр. We produce goods on request.
Is it possible for me to order samples for our testing?
A6: Мэдээжийн хэрэг, we can set up freight collection for the sample delivery to you. Please be aware that samples that already exist are free for one day, whereas samples that include your logo need payment and take seven to ten days.
Q7: How many cards is your MOQ, or minimum order quantity?
A7: We have a 100-piece MOQ.
Q8: Can my RFID silicone wristband be made to a certain size and shape?
A8: We do OEM and ODM work, тиймээ.
Q9: How can you ensure that the RFID silicone wristband we order is of the highest caliber?
A9: We have eco-friendly raw materials and a QC staff that inspects each batch of RFID wristbands before they are delivered. We also have certifications for ISO9001-2008, ROHS, EN71, and other standards.

Та мессежээ үлдээнэ үү

Цэнхэр өнгийн олон тооны цонхтой, хоёр гол хаалгатай том саарал үйлдвэрийн барилга тунгалаг туяан дор бахархалтайгаар зогсож байна., цэнхэр тэнгэр. "PBZ Business Park" логогоор тэмдэглэгдсэн," Энэ нь бидний "Бидний тухай" тэргүүлэх бизнесийн шийдлүүдийг хангах эрхэм зорилго.

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