PPS RFID шошго


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PPS RFID шошго

Богино тайлбар:

Дулааны өндөр эсэргүүцэлтэй PPS материал* -40°C~+150°C-ийн өндөр ба нам температурын хувиргах циклийн туршилтыг хоёр өдөр дараалан давна.. * P68 waterproof and dustproof PS and high temperature resistant epoxy adhesive package, with high and low temperature change resistance, элэгдэлд тэсвэртэй, corrosion resistance, and other characteristics. 180°C high temperature can withstand minutes.

-40°C Low resistance to temperature
120 °C Resistance to high temperatures

Бидэнд имэйл илгээнэ үү

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Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй

Дулааны өндөр эсэргүүцэлтэй PPS материал* -40°C~+150°C-ийн өндөр ба нам температурын хувиргах циклийн туршилтыг хоёр өдөр дараалан давна.. * P68 waterproof and dustproof PS and high-temperature resistant epoxy adhesive package, with high and low temperature change resistance, элэгдэлд тэсвэртэй, corrosion resistance, and other characteristics. 180°C high temperature can withstand minutes.
-40°C Low resistance to temperature
120 °C Resistance to high temperatures

pps rfid tag (3)



Загварын дугаар PPS004
Бүтээгдэхүүний нэр RFID Laundry Tag
Материал PPS
Өнгө Хар(Or customized)
Өргөдөл Garment Management, Угаалгын газар, гэх мэт.
Үйлдлийн давтамж 13.56МГц
Хадгалах температур – 25℃ to +180℃(Safe), + 220℃(50 Hours), + 260℃(30 Хоёрдугаарт)
Зузаан 3мм
Хэмжээ Φ23.5×2.5мм
Унших хүрээ 1-10см
Чип FM11RF08
Washing cycle 200 удаа
Protection Level IP68
Chip packaging method PPS high temperature resistant environmental protection material packaging
Гар урлал Silk screen, дэвсгэр хэвлэх, laser (ЛОГО, UID code, серийн дугаар)
Савлах 200 pcs/pack


Use cases

HF NFC tag (with a 0–8cm reading range)

Application to prevent counterfeiting: affix a unique HF NFC tag to every article of apparel. This tag may record all data from the factory of origin to the sales terminal. With this kind of design, every product has an uncopyable “иргэний үнэмлэх” and the transparency and traceability of its information is guaranteed. To effortlessly discern authenticity, the ultimate consumer just has to use the Near Field Communication (NFC) feature on their phone to access comprehensive product data spanning from manufacturing to retail.
Social sharing: Users may quickly exchange information by using “NFC” технологи. Жишээ нь, consumers may immediately access the following when they scan the NFC tag on clothing:
Business links: these allow customers to learn more about a product or make a purchase. Examples of these links include the company’s official website, online shop, and product purchasing link.
Social media networks, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, болон бусад, may be linked to in order to improve communication between companies and customers.

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UHF RFID tag with a 0–10 m reading range

manufacturing line management: UHF RFID tags are essential to the manufacturing line. Production data, such as the manufacturing process, process operation, гэх мэт., may be simply and precisely recorded using the reader and writer to satisfy changing production requirements. It may also accomplish complete production traceability at the same time by recording worker numbers, operation time, and the outcomes of quality inspections. By eliminating information inaccuracies brought on by visual reading and handwriting in a hectic manufacturing setting, this system significantly increases the accuracy and efficiency of production.

Details about the company:

An expert business with more than 20 years of expertise in the RFID industry is Fujian RFID Solution Co., Ltd. RFID smart cards, RFID шошго, NFC шошго, RFID inlays, NFC картууд, and RFID wristbands are just a few of the goods we are dedicated to manufacturing. Цаашлаад, we concentrate on the investigation and advancement of RFID solutions, aiming to provide clients with the most cutting-edge and effective technological assistance. Our products are extensively utilized in transportation, боловсрол, эрүүл мэндийн үйлчилгээ, аюулгүй байдал, finance, болон бусад газар нутаг. We have a strong name in the Internet of Things thanks to years of hard effort and accumulation. We consistently follow the customer demand-oriented approach and keep innovating and enhancing our product line to satisfy the wide range of market demands.


Та мессежээ үлдээнэ үү

Цэнхэр өнгийн олон тооны цонхтой, хоёр гол хаалгатай том саарал үйлдвэрийн барилга тунгалаг туяан дор бахархалтайгаар зогсож байна., цэнхэр тэнгэр. "PBZ Business Park" логогоор тэмдэглэгдсэн," Энэ нь бидний "Бидний тухай" тэргүүлэх бизнесийн шийдлүүдийг хангах эрхэм зорилго.

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