Хэвлэсэн RFID картууд


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Хэвлэсэн RFID картууд

Богино тайлбар:

Хэвлэсэн RFID картууд нь зугаа цэнгэл, усан паркийн үйл ажиллагаанд хувьсгал хийсэн, аюулгүй хандалтын хяналтыг санал болгож байна, бэлэн бус төлбөр тооцоо, мөн богино хүлээх хугацаа. Our team of professionals can assist in selecting the right RFID card for your needs, from materials to printing and processing

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Бидэнтэй хуваалцаарай:

Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй

Хэвлэсэн RFID картууд (Радио давтамжийг таних) technology has completely reshaped the way amusement and water parks operate. RFID smart cards provide effective access control, бэлэн бус төлбөр тооцоо, мөн богино хүлээх хугацаа. Being the first makers of printed RFID cards, our team of professionals can assist you in selecting the RFID card that can store data securely and transmit it quickly to suit your demands.

We provide a full range of customized services for Printed RFID Cards, from materials, хэмжээ, printing to RFID technology and chip selection, which can be customized according to the specific needs of customers. Whether it is standard credit card size or specific custom shapes and sizes, we can meet them. With our rich printing and special process processing, your cards will be more personalized and attractive. Үүний зэрэгцээ, our strong production capacity and fast delivery time ensure that you can get the cards you need in time. Choose us and make your Printed RFID Cards the highlight of your brand and business!

Хэвлэсэн RFID картууд


Material and Size

  • Материал: Brand new PVC material to ensure the quality and durability of the card.
  • Хэмжээ: The standard size is 85.5*54mm, the same as the credit card size. But custom sizes or irregular shapes can also be provided according to the specific needs of customers.
    Зузаан: The standard thickness is 0.84mm, but customized thickness is also supported to meet the needs of different application scenarios.

Printed RFID Cards01

Printing and Process

  • Printing method: Provide screen printing, CMYK printing, laser printing and other printing methods to ensure high clarity and color vividness of patterns and texts.
  • Special processes: including lamination (гялгар, matte, frosted), double-sided protective film, signature plate, scratch plate, UV coating and other special processes to make the card more personalized.
  • Thermal printing: Supports black or silver thermal printing to change numbers or information to meet the needs of dynamic data updates.
    Barcode and QR code: You can add 13-bit barcode, 128-bit barcode, 39-bit barcode, QR barcode, and other types to facilitate the rapid identification and tracking of information.

RFID technology and chip

  • Read times: RFID technology ensures that the card is read more than 100,000 удаа, ensuring stability and reliability for long-term use.
  • Frequency selection: Provides multiple frequency options such as 125Khz, 13.56МГц, 860-960МГц, гэх мэт. to adapt to different RFID application scenarios.
  • Чипийн төрөл: Supports a variety of RFID chips, such as EM4200, MF K S50, ICODE SLI-X, гэх мэт., as well as customized chips to meet different functional requirements.

Production Capacity and Delivery Time

Production Capacity: 10,000,000 pieces can be produced per month, ensuring fast delivery of large orders.
Хүргэлтийн хугацаа: Ихэвчлэн 7-10 өдрүүд, suitable for urgent orders. For small batch orders, fast delivery can also be ensured.

Packaging and Transportation

Packing Details: Every 200 pieces of cards are packed in a box, and equipped with a plastic bag for protection. 1000 pieces of cards weigh about 5.5 kg and are packed in a sturdy corrugated box to ensure safety during transportation.
Transportation Method: Provide multiple express delivery methods such as DHL, TNT, FedEx, UPS, гэх мэт. to ensure fast and safe delivery.

Samples and Payment

Sample Fee: For spot products, free samples are provided for customer evaluation.
Payment Method: Accept multiple payment methods such as T/T, Paypal, Western Union, гэх мэт. янз бүрийн хэрэглэгчдийн төлбөрийн хэрэгцээг хангах.

Та мессежээ үлдээнэ үү

Цэнхэр өнгийн олон тооны цонхтой, хоёр гол хаалгатай том саарал үйлдвэрийн барилга тунгалаг туяан дор бахархалтайгаар зогсож байна., цэнхэр тэнгэр. "PBZ Business Park" логогоор тэмдэглэгдсэн," Энэ нь бидний "Бидний тухай" тэргүүлэх бизнесийн шийдлүүдийг хангах эрхэм зорилго.

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