RFID амьтны сканнер


Онцлох бүтээгдэхүүн

Сүүлийн үеийн мэдээ

RFID амьтны сканнерын ойрын зураг, Цэнхэр обудтай, урд талдаа хэд хэдэн эрэг шургаар чимэглэсэн дээд талд нь дугуй нээлхийтэй, саарал өнгийн гар хуванцар төхөөрөмж.

Богино тайлбар:

Энэхүү RFID амьтны сканнер нь авсаархан тул амьтныг удирдахад түгээмэл хэрэглэгддэг бүтээгдэхүүн юм, бөөрөнхий дизайн, маш сайн гүйцэтгэл. Энэ нь төрөл бүрийн цахим шошго форматыг дэмждэг, Үүнд FDX-B болон EMID, and has a high-brightness OLED display for easy reading and handling. The reader also features a built-in storage feature for up to 128 tag information, allowing users to temporarily save data when uploading is not possible. It can be accessed via USB, утасгүй 2.4G, or Bluetooth. The reader is suitable for various settings.

Бидэнд имэйл илгээнэ үү

Бидэнтэй хуваалцаарай:

Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй

Designed for animal management, this RFID Animal Scanner has become a popular product in the market with its excellent performance and humanized design. You can read and handle animal information wherever you are because of its compact, rounded design, which is extremely pleasant to hold and transport.

RFID амьтны сканнер



Төсөл Параметр
Загварын дугаар AR004 W90D
Үйл ажиллагааны давтамж 134.2 kHz/125Khz
Шошгоны формат Дунд、FDX-B(ISO 11784/85)
Унших, бичих зай 2~12мм шилэн хоолойн шошго> 8см

30мм амьтны чихний шошго > 20см (шошгоны гүйцэтгэлтэй холбоотой).

Стандарт ISO 11784/85
Унших цаг <100 мс
Дохионы заалт 0.91-инчийн өндөр тод OLED дэлгэц, дуугаралт
Цахилгаан хангамж 3.7В(800мАч лити батерей)
Хадгалах багтаамж 128 зурвасууд
Харилцааны интерфейс USB2.0, утасгүй 2.4G, Bluetooth
Хэл Англи

(Хэрэглэгчийн шаардлагын дагуу өөрчилж болно)

Ашиглалтын температур -10℃~50℃
Хадгалах температур -30℃~70℃
Чийгшил 5%-95% конденсацгүй
Бүтээгдэхүүний хэмжээ 155mm×74mm×15mm
Цэвэр жин 73.8g

RFID Animal Scanner01


The reader’s broad application is ensured by its compatibility with several electronic tag formats, such as FDX-B (ISO 1784/85) and EMID. Regardless of the setting—a zoo, pet hospital, or scientific research facility—you may choose a tag format that works for you to read information quickly and accurately.

This reader’s high-brightness OLED display is yet another plus. The screen can retain a crisp display in bright light inside or outdoors, making it possible for you to see the information on the animal chip at any time and from any location. You are able to handle handling, мөрдөх, and identification of animals with ease.

This reader has an effective built-in storing feature in addition to the standard reading functionality. When you are unable to upload data on time, it is useful for you to temporarily store data since it can save up to 128 tag information. To accomplish quick data synchronization and backup, you may upload the data to the device using Bluetooth or 2.4G wireless technology, or you can use a USB data connection to transfer the data to the computer when you go back to the office or another location with upload conditions.

This animal chip reader’s compact design, broad compatibility, vivid display, strong upload and storage capabilities, and high brightness have made it an invaluable tool in the area of animal management. It can help you handle animal information more effectively and conveniently, whether you are a scientific researcher, pet owner, or animal advocate.

RFID Animal Scanner02

Advantages of animal chip reader:

  1. Өргөн хүрээний нийцтэй байдал: Accommodates electronic tags in various formats, including FDX-B (ISO 1784/85) and EMID, guaranteeing broad use and satisfying various animal management circumstances.
  2. High portability: Users may view and handle animal information at any time and from any location thanks to the device’s tiny, rounded shape that is both nice to the touch and simple to carry.
  3. Clear display: The user experience is enhanced by the high-brightness OLED display’s ability to maintain a clear display in bright lighting conditions both indoors and outside.
  4. High storage capacity: Users may conveniently temporarily save data when they are unable to upload data in a timely manner thanks to the built-in storage feature, which can store up to 128 tag information.
  5. Different data transmission methods: users have access to a range of data transmission ways to suit their various demands. Data may be sent to the computer via a USB data connection, or it can be transmitted to the device via Bluetooth or wireless 2.4G.

Та мессежээ үлдээнэ үү

Цэнхэр өнгийн олон тооны цонхтой, хоёр гол хаалгатай том саарал үйлдвэрийн барилга тунгалаг туяан дор бахархалтайгаар зогсож байна., цэнхэр тэнгэр. "PBZ Business Park" логогоор тэмдэглэгдсэн," Энэ нь бидний "Бидний тухай" тэргүүлэх бизнесийн шийдлүүдийг хангах эрхэм зорилго.

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