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RFID сум шошго
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Богино тайлбар:
RFID Bullet Tags are waterproof RFID transponders that are ideal for physical asset management, including asset tracking, таних, and product storage. Made of ABS plastic, they can withstand various conditions and are suitable for various industrial settings. They are ideal for smart dongles, key handles, and other small objects, and their integrated RFID chip enhances corporate production and system administration.
Бидэнтэй хуваалцаарай:
Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй
RFID сум шошго, as an excellent waterproof RFID transponder, has excellent compatibility and can adapt to most RFID chips, covering low-frequency, high-frequency and ultra-high-frequency bands. These tags have shown extremely high application value in the field of physical asset management, whether it is asset tracking, asset identification, or product storage management, they can provide you with accurate and efficient services.
RFID Bullet Tag Material: ABS
Хэмжээ: L19 x φ7mm & L18 x φ7mm
Ажлын давтамж: 125KHz LF, 13.56MHz HF and 915MHz UHF
Ашиглалтын температур: -40°C~+85°C
Specialty: IP65 waterproof, Durable
RFID Bullet Tag Support RFID Chip types: 125 KHZ Low Frequency
TK4100 ISO/IEC 18000-2
T5577 ISO/IEC 18000-2
EM4100 ISO/IEC 18000-2
EM4200 ISO/IEC 18000-2
EM4305 ISO/IEC 11784/11785
Хитаг 2 ISO/IEC 11784/11785
Hitag S256 ISO/IEC 11784/11785
13.56 MHZ HF Bullet TAGS
Mifare Class 1k S50 ISO/IEC14443A
Mifare Class 4k S70 ISO/IEC14443A
Mifare Ultralight EV-1 ISO/IEC14443A
Mifare Ultralight C ISOV14443A
F08 (Mifare 1 Тохиромжтой) ISO/IEC14443A
F32 (Mifare 4K Compatible) ISO/IEC14443A
NFC чип:
NTAG 213 ISO/IEC14443A
- RFID ABS Bullet Tags are the best in physical asset management because they are waterproof RFID transponders. These tags work well for product storage management in addition to being appropriate for asset monitoring and asset identification. Because of its special waterproof construction and small size, it may be securely inserted into things to effectively stop surface deterioration.
- The robust ABS plastic used to make the RFID Bullet Tags’ casing ensures stability and dependability in a variety of outside conditions. It nevertheless has a great read range on the 125KHz frequency band in spite of its diminutive size.
- The RFID Bullet Tags are built of materials that are resistant to heat and oil, which allows them to withstand a variety of industrial settings and equipment asset management requirements. They are designed for automated equipment management. The tag’s integrated RFID chip facilitates enhanced corporate production and system administration, чанарын хяналт, and product tracking.
RFID ABS Bullet Tags are often used in situations where they must be tucked away or inserted into tiny objects. You may see it whether it’s smart dongles for smart MP3-USB goods, apps, or critical data, or smart key handles for homes and cars, plugs and sockets for computers or communication devices. Цаашлаад, the label has outstanding RFID intelligence recognition skills in the areas of wine bottles, cosmetics, electric toothbrushes, molds, jewelry, чипс, trademark stickers, guns, helmets, and animal identification.