RFID силикон бугуйвч


Онцлох бүтээгдэхүүн

Сүүлийн үеийн мэдээ

Ногоон өнгөтэй гурван RFID силикон бугуйвч, хар ногоон, болон улаан өнгө нь цагаан дэвсгэр дээр давхцаж харагдана.

Богино тайлбар:

RFID силикон бугуйвч нь янз бүрийн тохиргоонд тохиромжтой ус нэвтэрдэггүй бугуйвч юм, including sports clubs, сургуулиуд, усан бассейнууд, усан паркууд, биеийн тамирын заал, болон рашаан сувилал. They come in multiple frequencies (125 кГц, 13.56 МГц, болон UHF) and can be customized with a unique logo or branding. These wristbands are adjustable in size and can be used in various applications such as ticketing, эрүүл мэндийн үйлчилгээ, travel, хандалтын хяналт, аюулгүй байдал, цагийн ирц, зогсоол, and club membership management. They are also available in various colors and sizes. The manufacturer, NXP B.V., offers a wide range of RFID solutions, including custom-made wristbands, free samples for testing, and a commitment to customer-centered service. The company ensures that every RFID wristband meets the highest quality standards, ensuring consistent and reliable product quality.

Бидэнд имэйл илгээнэ үү

Бидэнтэй хуваалцаарай:

Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй

RFID силикон бугуйвч, with their excellent waterproof properties, are ideal for use in sports clubs, сургуулиуд, усан бассейнууд, усан паркууд, биеийн тамирын заал, болон рашаан сувилал. We provide chip options in multiple frequencies, орно 125 кГц, 13.56 МГц, болон UHF, to meet the needs of different scenarios. The reading distance is between 2 cm and 1 meter, depending on the type of chip and reader selected.

Our silicone RFID wristbands are designed to be adjustable in size, ensuring that almost every user can find a suitable fit. Нэмж хэлэхэд, we offer custom branding services, allowing you to have your wristband imprinted with a unique logo or branding. A wide range of color options allows you to personalize your wristbands and complement your brand image or event theme.

Choosing our silicone RFID wristband will not only allow you to enjoy an efficient and convenient access control and payment experience but also add a bright color to your venue. Whether you are hosting a large-scale event or running day-to-day operations, we can provide you with the highest quality service and support.

RFID силикон бугуйвч


Product Specs

Загвар: GJ013 Oblate Ф67mm
Материал: Силикон, ус нэвтэрдэггүй
Хэмжээ: 67мм
RFID чип: LF 125khz, HF 13.56mhz, UHF 860-960mhz
Wristband Color: Customized color per PMS
Протокол: ISO14443A, ISO 15693, ISO7814, ISO7815, ISO18000-6C, гэх мэт
LOGO Printing: Silk screen printing, лазер сийлбэр, товойлгон, heat transfer, гэх мэт
Гар урлал: Number printing (Serial No & Chip UID etc), QR, Бар код, гэх мэт
Chip program/encode/lock/encryption will be available as well (URL, TEXT , Тоо, and Vcard)
Онцлогууд: Усны хамгаалалттай, heat resistance -30–90℃
Өргөдөл: Ticketing, Health care, Travel, Хандалтын хяналт & Аюулгүй байдал, Цагийн ирц, Parking and Payment, Club/SPA Membership Management, Rewards and Promotion, гэх мэт

Product Specs


Available Chips

High Frequency Chips(13.56МГц)
Протокол ISO/IEC 14443A
1. MIFARE Classic® 1K, MIFARE Classic® EV1 1K, MIFARE Classic® 4K
2. MIFARE Plus® 1K, MIFARE Plus® 2K, MIFARE Plus® 4K
4. NTAG® 203 (144 байт), NTAG 213 (144 байт), NTAG® 215 (504 байт), NTAG® 216(888 байт)
5. MIFARE Ultralight® (48 байт), MIFARE Ultralight® EV1 (48 байт), MIFARE Ultralight® C(148 байт)
Протокол ISO 15693/ISO 18000-3
MIFARE and MIFARE Classic are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. лицензийн дагуу ашигладаг.
MIFARE болон MIFARE Plus нь NXP B.V-ийн бүртгэгдсэн худалдааны тэмдэгнүүд юм. лицензийн дагуу ашигладаг.
MIFARE DESFire are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. лицензийн дагуу ашигладаг.
MIFARE болон MIFARE Ultralight нь NXP B.V-ийн бүртгэгдсэн худалдааны тэмдэгнүүд юм. лицензийн дагуу ашигладаг.
NTAG are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. лицензийн дагуу ашигладаг.
ICODE are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. лицензийн дагуу ашигладаг.


We are a professional RFID tag manufacturer

Being the top producer of RFID tags in China, we specialize in offering premium, multipurpose RFID silicone wristbands for a range of occasions and events. Customers all around the globe have recognized our products for their outstanding performance, extensive range of options, and adaptable customization services.

Давуу тал:

  • Different colors and sizes: We provide RFID silicone wristbands in a range of colors and sizes to accommodate the requirements of diverse events and settings. We can locate the ideal wristband for you, whether you want access control, төлбөр, or identity solutions for a significant athletic event, music festival, trade expo, or other occasion.
  • Dual-frequency chips (LF, HF, UHF) may be customized: From low frequency (LF) to high frequency (HF), хэт өндөр давтамж (UHF), and dual-frequency chips, we provide a wide variety of options. These chips may be tailored to meet your unique requirements and come with a variety of read ranges, data storage capacities, болон аюулгүй байдлын онцлог.
  • Free sample stock sent in a single day: We provide a free stock sample service to help you get a better intuitive sense of the quality and performance of our products. You may get samples and carry out real testing in a day with only a simple application.
  • ISO 9001 certificate: To guarantee that every RFID silicone wristband satisfies the highest quality standards, we closely adhere to the ISO 9001 quality management system regulations. We closely monitor every step of the process, from obtaining raw materials to manufacturing, туршилт, савлах, болон бусад дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл, to guarantee consistent and dependable product quality.
  • Quote in less than a day: We recognize how valuable your time is. Үүний үр дүнд, we guarantee to send you a thorough quote 24 hours after we get your request. We can guarantee you the best costs, regardless of the number of RFID silicone wristbands you need to create.
  • Supply of RFID solutions: We provide our clients a comprehensive variety of RFID solutions in addition to premium RFID silicone wristbands. Таны шаардлагаас хамаарна, we may provide solutions that are specifically tailored for implementing access control management, payment systems, таних, болон бусад үйлчилгээ.

Тохируулсан үйлчилгээ:

We provide customizable services that are adaptable to your specific requirements. Таны шаардлагаас хамаарна, you may choose the color, хэмжээ, kind of chip, printing content, гэх мэт. Нэмж хэлэхэд, you may have your wristband printed with a distinctive logo or trademark pattern thanks to our custom branding services.

Free samples for testing:

We provide free samples for testing so that you may choose our items with more assurance. Before determining whether to buy the product, you may first use samples to assess its performance and quality.

As a seasoned producer of RFID tags, we consistently uphold the idea of customer-centered service. We would be pleased to assist you and answer any questions you may have. Select us to increase the efficiency, convenience, and safety of your operations!

Та мессежээ үлдээнэ үү

Цэнхэр өнгийн олон тооны цонхтой, хоёр гол хаалгатай том саарал үйлдвэрийн барилга тунгалаг туяан дор бахархалтайгаар зогсож байна., цэнхэр тэнгэр. "PBZ Business Park" логогоор тэмдэглэгдсэн," Энэ нь бидний "Бидний тухай" тэргүүлэх бизнесийн шийдлүүдийг хангах эрхэм зорилго.

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