Энэхүү вэбсайт нь күүки ашигладаг бөгөөд ингэснээр бид танд хамгийн сайн хэрэглэгчийн туршлагыг өгөх болно. Күүки мэдээлэл таны хөтөч дээр хадгалагддаг бөгөөд таныг манай вэб сайт руу буцаж ирэхэд тань таних, вэб сайтын аль хэсгүүд нь танд хамгийн сонирхолтой, хэрэгтэй байгааг ойлгоход манай багт туслах зэрэг функцуудыг гүйцэтгэдэг..
PVC шошготой RFID бугуйвч
Онцлох бүтээгдэхүүн
Жижиглэн худалдаанд зориулсан RFID шийдэл
RFID протокол: EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C давтамж: АНУ (902-928MHZ), ЕХ…
RFID жижиглэнгийн худалдааны хяналт
RFID протокол: EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C давтамж: АНУ(902-928MHZ), ЕХ(865-868MHZ) IC…
RFID шошготой бугуйвч
Фүжиан RFID шийдлийн компани., Ltd. тэргүүлэх RFID технологи юм…
RFID кабелийн битүүмжлэл
Rfid кабелийн битүүмжлэл нь хөндлөнгийн хамгаалалттай, нэг удаагийн загвар ашигласан…
Сүүлийн үеийн мэдээ
Богино тайлбар:
Фүжиан RFID шийдлийн компани., Ltd. offers waterproof RFID wristbands with PVC tags in various sizes and shapes with NFC, 13.56 МГц, эсвэл UHF чипүүд. These wristbands can be customized with logos for various RFID applications. They focus on research, хөгжил, дизайн, and production of RFID wristbands, шошго, болон ухаалаг картууд, and work with domestic system integrators and trading companies. RFID technology is used in access control, work-in-progress tracking, tool management, бараа материалын хяналт, and supply chain management. Their experienced overseas sales team provides all-around support and a 24-hour online service attitude.
Бидэнтэй хуваалцаарай:
Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй
Our RFID Wristbands with PVC Tag is made of waterproof PVC and come in different sizes and shapes with NFC, 13.56 MHz or UHF chips. Reading distance varies from 10-20 см, depending on the reader and chip. Plain color or branded. Our PVC wristbands come in plain colors and can be customized with logos to suit any RFID application that requires an inexpensive disposable RFID wristband.
The most popular HF (13.56 МГц) chip ISO14443A | The most popular LF (100-150 кГц)чипс | ||
Chip name | Санах ой | Chip name | Санах ой |
FM11RF08 | 1K солилцоо | TK4100 | Read-only |
MF S50 | 1K солилцоо | EM4305 | 512 жаахан |
MF S70 | 4K солилцоо | T5577 | 363 жаахан |
Хэт хөнгөн EV1 | 384-bit or 1024-bit | HITAG 1 | 2Kbit |
Хэт хөнгөн C | 1536 битүүд (192 байт) | HITAG 2 | 256 битүүд |
MF Plus | 2 эсвэл 4 Kbytes | HITAG S256 | 265 жаахан |
MF Desfire | 2Kbytes, 4Kbytes, 8 Kbytes | HITAG S2048 | 2048 жаахан |
N-tag 213/215/216 | 144, 504, эсвэл 888 байт |
Яагаад биднийг сонгох гэж
Фүжиан RFID шийдлийн компани., Ltd. судалгаа, боловсруулалтад анхаарлаа хандуулдаг, дизайн, and production of RFID wristbands, RFID шошго, болон ухаалаг картууд. We work closely with domestic system integrators and trading companies to provide various types of labels for large-scale bidding projects, which are widely used in self-service supermarket new retail, номын сангийн удирдлага, логистикийн хяналт, агуулахын удирдлага, болон бусад салбарууд.
We have excellent customization capabilities and can produce RFID NFC stickers, шошго, and cards of various types, shapes, хэмжээ, чипс, материал, glues, хэвлэх, and encoding according to customer needs to adapt to different usage environments and scenarios. Our personalized service has won wide praise and satisfaction from customers.
We have rich experience in export business. Our overseas sales team has been professionally trained in foreign trade, business skills, and RFID knowledge. They will provide you with all-around support with a 24-hour online service attitude and full of enthusiasm. We look forward to establishing a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with you and becoming your trusted partner.
RFID Technology Application
- Хандалтын хяналт: By reading the data from individuals wearing RFID tags, access control systems may use RFID technology to quickly and accurately authenticate identities and provide access. This technology increases productivity at work while simultaneously enhancing security.
- Work-in-progress tracking: RFID technology may be used in the industrial sector to monitor the whereabouts and conditions of work-in-progress. Businesses may enhance production efficiency, optimize workflows, and comprehend the flow of work-in-progress in real-time by affixing RFID tags to their items. RFID технологи, жишээ нь, may be used in the automotive industry to monitor the position of car components on the assembly line, ensuring that the parts arrive at the correct assembly site on schedule and minimizing production delays.
- Tool Management: RFID technology is applicable in this field. Tools may be automatically recognized, monitored, and tallied by affixing RFID tags to them. This method can minimize tool damage and loss while also significantly increasing tool management efficiency. Жишээ нь, RFID technology may be used in airplane maintenance to monitor the whereabouts and use of components and equipment in real-time, ensuring that the operation is completed efficiently.
- Inventory Control: RFID technology is crucial to inventory management. Businesses may accomplish precise inventory management and get real-time insight into the amount, байршил, and condition of goods by affixing RFID tags to inventory products. Нэмж хэлэхэд, RFID technology may be connected with inventory management systems to assist businesses improve inventory management and save costs by automatically updating inventory data, generating inventory reports, doing data analysis and forecasting, болон бусад. RFID technology may also be used in supply chain management and logistics to monitor cargo flow data in real-time and enhance the visibility and transparency of logistics transportation.