125khz RFID Key Fob


Prodotti dehru

Aħbarijiet Riċenti

Immaġni ta 'erba' 125khz RFID Key Fobs, ikkaratterizzata minn żewġ fobs vjola u żewġ blu. Kull par ta 'kulur jinkludi fob wieħed taċ-ċavetta b'diska ċentrali solida u waħda bi struttura ta' ċirku miftuħ.

Deskrizzjoni Qasira:

Our company specializes in manufacturing high-quality, multi-purpose RFID key fobs using various chip technologies, including 125khz RFID Key fobs. Provide personalized customization, multi-band support, flexible design, and first-class encoding services. We also provide packaging services, OEM manufacturing, and technical assistance. Our RFID key fobs are used in various industries, including asset management, member identification, employee attendance, access management, and vehicle access control. We accept small quantity orders, OEM, and ODM orders.

Ibgħat Email Lilna


Dettall tal-Prodott

We concentrate on creating premium, multipurpose 125khz RFID Key Fob to satisfy the various demands of various markets and clients. Our RFID keychains are equipped with a variety of chip technologies that span a broad range of frequency bands, from low-frequency 125kHz to high-frequency 13.56MHz, such as TK4100, EM4200, EM4100, EM4102, NFC S50, and NTAG203.
We are dedicated to offering our clients top-notch, multipurpose RFID keychain items together with first-rate customer support. Whatever your requirements, we are able to provide you with an acceptable solution. Please feel free to review the manufacturing circumstances of our OEM models; we would be happy to assist you fully.
125khz RFID Key Fob


  • solid and Durable: Our RFID keychains are made of solid plastic and are expertly designed and produced to guarantee that they remain stable and durable in a range of settings.
  • Personalized customization: To satisfy clientsparticular requirements for identification and numbering, we provide a variety of personalized customization services, such as screen printing, inkjet or laser numbering, eċċ.
  • Multi-band support: To satisfy the requirements of various application scenarios, we can provide RFID keychains in the respective frequency bands, whether they are low frequency (125 kHz) or high frequency (13.56 MHz).
  • Flexible design: To satisfy clientsmore individualized preferences and demands, we provide custom-designed keychains in addition to our regular designs. These may include various key rings, metal accessories, and other features.
  • Top-notch encoding services: We provide top-notch encoding services to guarantee that every RFID key fob has a unique code for accurate identification and restricted access.

Service and support

Packaging Services: To guarantee that goods are adequately safeguarded during transit, we provide a comprehensive variety of packaging services.
manufacturing for OEMs: We welcome OEM orders and may tailor manufacturing to meet the unique requirements of our clients.
Technical assistance: Our qualified technical staff can provide clients with technical assistance and solutions.

Oqsma ta' applikazzjoni

Numerous industries, such as asset management, member identification, staff attendance, access control management, and vehicle access control, utilize our 125khz RFID Key Fob extensively. Our RFID keychains may provide you with effective and practical identification and management solutions in establishments, classrooms, retail centers, u żoni pubbliċi oħra. Our 125khz RFID Key Fobs also offer enhanced security measures, as they are difficult to replicate or tamper with, providing peace of mind when it comes to access control. With the continuous advancements in rfid technology for key fobs, our products are designed to meet the evolving needs of various industries and offer reliable and efficient solutions for identification and management. Whether it’s tracking assets, monitoring staff attendance, or controlling vehicle access, our RFID key fobs are a versatile and convenient option for businesses looking to streamline their operations.


Parametri tal-prodott

item RFID Key Fob
Karatteristiċi Speċjali Waterproof / Weatherproof
Communication Interface NFC
Place of Origin China Fujian
Operating Temperature: -20 oC ~ 60 oC (-4 oF ~ 140 oF)
Transponder Type: Passive (no battery operated)
Model Number KF009
Frekwenza 125KHz
Frekwenza 125KHz
Materjal ABS
Communication Interface RFID


Our Advantage

1. Respond to your inquiry within 12 working hours.
2. Experienced staff answer all your questions in fluent English.
3. Provide special discounts and sales territory protection to agents.
4. Teams of designers and engineers are able to create new products based on individual requirements.
5. Customizable design.
6. We accept small batch orders, OEM and ODM are also welcome.
7. We accept TT, Paypal, and Western Union.
8. Remittance via Paypal or Western Union for small amounts; bank transfer for large amounts.
9. We have professional freight personnel and freight forwarders to help us arrange shipment.


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