Tag tal-metall UHF b'temperatura għolja


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Tag tal-metall UHF b'temperatura għolja (1)

Deskrizzjoni Qasira:

High Temperature UHF Metal Tag are electronic tags that can maintain stable performance in high-temperature environments. They use UHF (ultra-high frequency) RFID technology and have a long reading distance and a fast reading speed. They usually have anti-metal properties and are suitable for applications on metal surfaces, such as energy equipment instruments, vehicle license plates, cylinders, gas tanks, and machine identification. Through stainless steel shell and epoxy resin encapsulation design, as well as a variety of installation methods (such as bolts, screws, welding, or brazing), these tags can provide reliable identification and tracking functions in harsh environments, especially for industries such as oil and natural gas that work in high-temperature environments.

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Dettall tal-Prodott

Electronic tags having unique characteristics that allow them to function steadily under hot conditions are known as High Temperature UHF Metal Tag. These tags are extensively utilized in a variety of application situations where quick data interchange and long-range identification are necessary.

Tag tal-metall UHF b'temperatura għolja Tikketta tal-metall UHF

Functional Specifications:

  1. Protokoll RFID: EPC Klassi 1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C
  2. Frekwenza: (L-Istati Uniti) 902-928MHz, (UE) 865-868MHz
  3. IC type: Alien Higgs-4
  4. Memory: EPC 128bits, USER 128bits, TID64bits
  5. Write Cycles: 100,000
  6. Functionality: Read/write
  7. Data Retention: Up to 50 Years
  8. Applicable Surface: Metal Surfaces



Physical Specification:

  • Daqs: 42x15mm, (Hole: D4mmx2)
  • Thickness: 2.1mm without IC bump, 2.8mm with IC bump
  • Materjal: High-Temperature Material
  • Colour: Iswed
  • Mounting Methods: Adhesive, Screw
  • Weight: 3.5g

High Temperature UHF Metal Tag01




  • Tolerance for high temperatures: These tags are capable of performing as intended under hot conditions. Depending on the particular product, their temperature resistance range may change, but in general, they can tolerate greater temperatures.
  • UHF frequency: UHF (ultra-high frequency) RFID technology is appropriate for a variety of application scenarios that call for quick data interchange and long-distance identification since it has a greater reading distance and higher reading speed.
  • Metal resistance: To guarantee excellent reading performance even on metal surfaces, these tags are often constructed of unique materials and designs.


  • Energy equipment instruments: These tags are useful for tracking and identifying energy equipment instruments, particularly those found in hot conditions.
  • Automobile license plate: It is possible to quickly identify and track vehicle information by using high-temperature UHF metal tags on license plates.
  • Cylinders, gas tanks, machine identification, eċċ.: In order to guarantee the safety and traceability of equipment, these tags may also be used for the identification and tracking of equipment such as cylinders, gas tanks, machines, eċċ.
  • Oil and gas industry: High-temperature UHF metal tags offer a wide range of applications in this sector since the equipment used in these sectors often has to operate in extreme conditions, such as high temperatures and high pressures.


Environmental Specification:

IP Rating: IP68

Storage Temperature: -55°С to +200°С

(280°С for 50 minutes, 250°С for 150minutes)

Operation Temperature: -40°С to +150°С

(working 10hours in 180°С)

Certifications: Reach Approved, RoHS Approved, CE Approved


Order information:

MT004 U1: (L-Istati Uniti) 902-928MHz, MT004 E1: (UE) 865-868MHz


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