RFID Tag Scanner


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RFID Tag Scanner

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RFID Tag Scanner are automatic identification devices that read electronic tags by sending a radio signal to the tag and receiving its return signal. They are widely used in various fields, including asset management, loġistika, awtomazzjoni industrijali, ġestjoni tal-annimali, access control management, smart parking systems, medical supplies and medication management, smart clothing shops, and linen management. Advantages of RFID tag readers include contactless identification, high-speed reading, strong penetration, large data storage, reusable, adattabilità, sigurtà għolja, automation, multi-tag simultaneous reading, and flexibility.

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Dettall tal-Prodott

An RFID Tag Scanner is an automatic identification device that can read the data of an electronic tag. It does this by sending a radio signal to the tag and receiving its return signal. When the reader sends a signal to an electromagnetic wave transmitter of a specific frequency, the antenna in the tag receives the signal and draws energy from it to activate the tag. The reader then decodes and reads the information stored in the tag. RFID tag readers are widely used in many fields.

RFID Tag Scanner



Projects parameter
Model AR003 W90C
Operating frequency 134.2 Khaza/125 Khaza
Label format EMIDFDX-B(ISO11784/85)
Read and write distance 2~12mm glass tube label>10ċm

30mm animal ear tag> 35ċm (related to label performance)

Standards ISO11784/85
Read time <100ms
Wireless distance 0-80m(Accessibility)
Bluetooth distance 0-20m(Accessibility)
Signal indication 1.44 inch TFT LCD screen, buzzer
Electricity 3.7V (800mAh lithium battery)
Storage capacity 500 messages
Communication interfaces USB2.0, Wireless 2.4G, Bluetooth (optional)
Language English (can be customized according to customer requirements)
Operating temperature -10℃~50℃
Storage temperature -30℃~70℃
Humidity 5%-95% non-condensing
Product dimensions 135mm×130mm×21mm
Net weight 102g

RFID Tag Scanner01



  • Contactless identification
  • High-speed reading
  • Strong penetration
  • A large amount of data storage
  • Li jistgħu jerġgħu jintużaw
  • Strong adaptability
  • High security
  • The high degree of automation
  • Multi-tag simultaneous reading
  • High flexibility

RFID Tag Scanner03


RFID Tag Scanner range of applications

  • RFID tag readers may significantly increase the speed and accuracy of recording and gathering information about in-and-out items, lower human error rates during inventory counting, and enhance the speed and accuracy of inventory counting in warehouses. With regard to asset management, it is simple to accomplish complete asset visualization and real-time information updating by using card readers to simply do asset inventory and attach RFID tags to assets.
  • Logistics and product tracking: RFID tags may be rapidly recognized without physical touch. It can monitor objects with RFID tags and clearly grasp their changing location with the help of the network. This has significant application value in supply chain management, loġistika, and product traceability and anti-counterfeiting.
  • Industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing: To enable data and information real-time management of assembly lines, RFID readers may be put on production lines. For instance, in industrial automation production lines, work processes are automatically identified and automated through the reading of RFID tags placed on the line, which collects data and feeds it back to the system. The system then feeds the command back to the production line for execution.
  • Ġestjoni tal-annimali: An RFID reader designed specifically for managing animals, such as pigs, cattle, and sheep, is called an animal ear tag reader. It can assist farms in automating management, increasing the effectiveness of management, and raising the percentage of animal survival.
  • RFID technology may also be used in access control management and smart parking systems. By scanning RFID tags, identity authentication and vehicle identification can be carried out, enhancing security and management effectiveness.
  • Medical supplies and medication management: RFID technology may be implemented in cabinets or shelves holding medical supplies and medication to count and track the number and characteristics of supplies and medication in real time, ensuring the safe and efficient use of medications.
  • Smart clothing shops: RFID technology may be used in clothing logistics and smart stores to count and monitor the number and qualities of clothes in real time, increase management effectiveness, and successfully reduce the incidence of counterfeit or cross-selling clothing.
  • Management of linens: Attaching RFID electronic tags to linens, together with RFID readers, writers, and management software, may provide dependable technological methods for managing linens over their entire life cycle, increase productivity, and save labor costs.


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