RFID Wrist band


Prodotti dehru

Aħbarijiet Riċenti

A RFID Wrist band featuring a blue adjustable rubber strap and a metallic button clasp, showcased on a white background.

Deskrizzjoni Qasira:

RFID wrist band are easy to wear, shockproof, waterproof, and resistant to extreme temperatures, making them ideal for humid settings like swimming pools and cooling warehouses. They can be customized to fit a company’s image and can be used to efficiently identify attendees, manage entry, and handle cashless transactions. Available in various chip types and colors, they can be printed for bulk orders.

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Dettall tal-Prodott

The RFID wrist band is easy to wear, simple to use, shockproof, waterproof, and resistant to extreme temperatures. RFID wristbands are often utilized in very humid settings, including field operations, pixxini, cooling warehouses, and waterproof inspections. Even in hostile settings and after extended submersion in water, they may function correctly.

To fit the image you want your company to project, we provide an extensive customization menu for our assortment of RFID wristbands and bracelets. RFID wristbands may be used to efficiently identify attendees, manage entry, and even handle cashless transactions, whether you are planning a public event, business gathering, concert, or fundraising session.

RFID Wrist band



  1. It has three qualities: resistance to high temperatures, dampness, shock, and waterproofness.
  2. An adjustable wrist strap that is comfortable to wear and use.
  3. An integrated contactless chip that operates at either 125 kHz low frequency or 13.56 MHz high frequency.
  4. The color may be set for bulk orders and can be printed via laser printing, silk screening, or epoxy embossing.
  5. A bespoke double-frequency chip may be integrated.



  • Work Frequency: 125KHZ / 13.56MHz
  • Chip: TK4100 / FM11RF08
  • Reading Distance: LF/HF (2-10ċm), UHF (up to 15m)
  • Dimensions: 260 * 17 (mm)
  • Thickness: 3 ~ 6 (mm)
  • Data storage time: 10 years
  • Materjal: Silicone
  • Normal color: Red, Isfar, Blu, Aħdar, Iswed
  • Customized Color: YES (MOQ:100PCS)

Specification drawing


The Optional chip type is as follows:

125Khz TK4100, EM4200, EM4102, Temic5577, Hi tag 1, Hitag2, HitagS256, HitagS2048 etc.
13.56MHz FM11RF08, NXP Mifare1 S50, NXP Mifare1 S70, Mifare1 Ultra light, Mifare1 Ultra light-C, I-code 1, I-code SLI, Ti2048, Ti256, Legic mim256 etc.
860~960Mhz Most ISO18000-6C chips available.
The Optional Printing for Logo or Number:
Laser printing
Silk-screen printing
Epoxy Embossing




  1. Widely used to open the Storage Cabinet in the Swimming Pool, Shopping Mall, Supermarket, Sauna Room, Hot-Spring Hotel and so on.
  2. Previously, tickets were charged to buses, metro, eċċ.
  3. Used in place of Member Cards at the Game Club and Bowling Center.
  4. Field operations, Waterproof inspection, Cooling Library, eċċ.
  5. Pakkett: depending on the number you purchased, there may be 50 jew 100 pieces in each bag, 1000 jew 2000 pieces per carton!

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