

Nkhani Zaposachedwa


Kufotokozera Kwachidule:

The RFID Tag UHF Laundry Tag 5815 is a robust and versatile tag designed for textile or non-metallic applications. It has three frequency options and can withstand over 200 washing cycles. The tag’s design is waterproof and can be pasted at pressures of up of 60 bar. It can be used in industrial cleaning, kasamalidwe kofanana, medical clothes management, military supply management, and personnel patrol management.

Titumizireni Imelo Kwa Ife

Gawani ife:

Tsatanetsatane wa Zamalonda

The very robust RFID Tag UHF Laundry Tag 5815 (Model: 10-Laundry5815) is intended for use in textile or non-metallic applications. It has three frequency options—FTSI, FCC, and CHN—that may be adjusted to meet various regional usage needs. The tag has undergone extensive testing to ensure 100% operation and can resist over 200 washing cycles due to thorough material and design reliability testing. We also provide specialized size services. It can be pasted at pressures of up to 60 bar because to its soft material and compact internal module. Sewing stable fixation is also supported. You should use this laundry tag for your textile management.




Outstanding robustness, capable of withstanding over 200 washing cycles.
Extensive reliability testing has been conducted on materials and designs.
Every label undergoes comprehensive functional testing to guarantee optimal functionality.

UHF Laundry Tag


Main features:

Size may be adjusted to suit the demands of the client and is adaptable to different application circumstances.
To adjust to a high-temperature washing environment, choose materials that can withstand high temperatures.
Support barcodes with laser engraving for simple tracking and administration.
Design that is waterproof to guarantee regular functioning in a variety of settings.

Application areas:

Enhance the effectiveness of industrial cleaning while streamlining administrative procedures.
Manage a lot of uniforms with ease by keeping track of them.
Medical clothes management: make sure healthcare facilities are hygienic and clean.
Management of military clothing: increase the effectiveness of military supply management.
Real-time tracking of patrol personnel’s whereabouts and conditions is known as personnel patrol management.

UHF Laundry Tag



Compliance EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C
Frequency 845~ 950MHz
Chip Impinj R6P
Memory EPC 96bits,User 32bits
Read/write Inde
Data Storage 20 years
Lifetime 200 wash cycles or 2 years from the shipping date

(whichever comes first)

Zakuthupi Textile
Dimension LxWxH: 58 ( 2.283 inch) x 15 (0.590 inch) x 1.5

(0.059 inch) mm

Storage Temperature -40℃~ +85
Operating Temperature 1) Washing: 90(194οF), 15 minutes, 200 cysle

2) Pre-drying in Tumbler: 180(320οF), 30minutes

3) Ironer: 180(356οF), 10 masekondi, 200 cycles

4) Sterilization Process: 135(275οF), 20 minutes

Mechanical Resistance Up to 60 bars
Delivery format Single
Installation Method Thread installation
Weight ~ 0.6g
Phukusi Antistatic bag and carton
Mtundu Choyera
Power Supply Passive
Chemicals Normal common chemicals in the washing processes
RoHS Compatible


Up to 5.5 meters (ERP=2W)

Up to 2 meters ( With ATID AT880 handheld reader)

Polarization Liner



  • The metal wire and chip module must not be harmed during the stitching process.
  • The reading performance of various gadgets varies.
  • A poor hot stamping result may occur during hot installation if the temperature drops below 210°C or the pressure drops below 0.6 MPa.

Siyani Uthenga Wanu


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