RFID Cloth Tag


نمايان مصنوعات

تازو خبرون

RFID Cloth Tag

مختصر وضاحت:

The 7015H RFID Cloth Tag is designed for textile or non-metallic applications, providing reliable RF performance in industrial washing, يونيفارم انتظام, medical clothing management, military clothing management, and people patrol management. It has EPC Class1 Gen2 and ISO18000-6C compliance, 96bit memory, 20 years data storage, and a lifetime of 200 wash cycles or 2 years from shipping date. Its features include durability, customization, high temperature resistance, laser engraving, and waterproof operation.

اسان کي اي ميل موڪليو

اسان سان حصيداري ڪريو:

پيداوار جي تفصيل

With great performance and durability, this 7015H RFID Cloth Tag is designed for textile or non-metallic applications. It may provide steady and dependable RF performance regardless of the application—industrial washing, يونيفارم انتظام, medical clothing management, military clothing management, or people patrol management, for example.

RFID Cloth Tag



Compliance اي پي سي ڪلاس 1 جين 2; ISO18000-6C
Frequency 902-928MHz, 865~868MHz (Can customize


Chip NXP Ucode7M
Memory EPC 96bits
Read/write ها (EPC)
Data Storage 20 years
Lifetime 200 wash cycles or 2 years from the shipping date

(whichever comes first)

مواد Textile
Dimension 70( L) x 15( W) x 1.5( H) (Can customize the sizes)
Storage Temperature -40℃~ +85 ℃
Operating Temperature 1) Washing: 90℃(194οF), 15 minutes, 200 cysle

2) Pre-drying in Tumbler: 180℃(320οF), 30 minutes

3) Ironer: 180℃(356οF), 10 سيڪنڊ, 200 cycles

4) Sterilization Process: 135℃(275οF), 20 minutes

Mechanical Resistance Up to 60 bars
Delivery format Single
Installation Method 1) Sewing or put into pouch/hem.

2) Heat sealing under 215℃@12-15 seconds with 0.6 MPa~0.8 MPa.

Weight ~ 0.7g
پيڪيج Antistatic bag and carton
رنگ اڇو
Power Supply Passive
Chemicals Normal common chemicals in the washing processes
RoHS Compatible


Up to 5.5 ميٽر (ERP=2W)

Upto 2 ميٽر( With ATIDAT880handheldreader)

Polarization Liner

RFID Cloth Tag01

Models and specifications:

The 10-Laundry7015-H model
Options for frequencies include FCC, ETSI, and CHN; they may be chosen according on the needs of various locations and frequency bands.

Features and performance:

پائيداري: Following extensive reliability testing, which included more than 200 washing cycle tests, to guarantee the materials’ and the design’s longevity.
Functional testing: To guarantee dependable and steady functioning, every product is put through a rigorous 100% functional test.
Customization: The size is flexible and may be modified to a variety of application situations based on the demands of the client.
High-temperature resistance: Because it is constructed of materials that can withstand high temperatures, it can continue to operate steadily even under these conditions.
Laser engraving: This enables barcodes to be engraved using a laser to speed up information input and tracking.
پنروڪ: Its waterproof feature allows it to continue operating as intended even in moist or wet environments.
RFID Cloth Tag02


Assembly and application:

Assembly method: allows for the selection of heat sealing or stitching according on the specific application case.
Use case: extensively used in personnel patrol, طبي لباس جو انتظام, يونيفارم انتظام, military apparel management, and industrial cleaning.

Because of its superior performance and longevity, the 7015H UHF textile laundry tag offers a multitude of application opportunities in the industrial washing and clothes management domain. We can supply solutions that are specifically tailored to your requirements, regardless of the size, frequency range, or fastening technique you need.

پنهنجو پيغام ڇڏي ڏيو


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