RFID ھوٽل وارڊ بينڊ


نمايان مصنوعات

تازو خبرون

ھڪڙو پيلو RFID ھوٽل رِسٽ بينڊ آھي جنھن ۾ اڇي RFID علامت ۽ متن ڇپيل آھي.

مختصر وضاحت:

RFID Hotel Wristbands are a stylish and practical solution that integrates RFID technology with fashion. Made of flexible and waterproof silicone material, they offer comfort and durability for long-term use. They come in various sizes and shapes, with full color printing and can be customized to meet individual needs. The wristbands can be used for guest authentication and access control in hotels, allowing them to manage their access to specific areas.

اسان کي اي ميل موڪليو

اسان سان حصيداري ڪريو:

پيداوار جي تفصيل

RFID Hotel Wristbands cleverly integrates cutting-edge RFID technology with fashionable and practical design. It can not only be worn on the wrist as a fashion accessory but also conveniently use RFID technology. Made of flexible and waterproof silicone material, it ensures wearing comfort and durability to meet your long-term use needs. We specially provide new RFID wristband molds to meet your personalized customization needs of different sizes and shapes. If you have any questions or special needs, please feel free to contact us and we will provide you with professional consultation and advice.

RFID ھوٽل وارڊ بينڊ


Key Information:

  • پنروڪ, individually die-cut, peel-and-seal closure
  • Printing: full color printing
  • ماپ: GJ022 round Ф67mm
  • Model: 67mm, 61mm
  • Minimum quantity: 100 pieces
  • Additional features: barcoding, variable data and serialization


Chip Specifications

LF Chip
LF Chip – Read Only
چپ جو قسم پروٽوڪول Capacity Function
4100 رپيا ISO18000-2 64 Bit Read
ايم 4200 ISO18000-2 64 Bit Read
HITAG® are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.
LF Chip – Read / Write
تي 5577 ISO11784/11785 Compatible 330 Bit/363 Bit Read/write
ATA5575 ISO11784/11785 Compatible 128 Bit Read/write
ايم 4305 ISO11784/11785 Compatible 512 Bit Read/write
EM4450/EM4550 ISO18000-2 1K Bit Read/write
HITAG® 1 ISO18000-2 2K Bit Read/write
HITAG® 2 ISO11784/11785 Compatible 256 Bit Read/write
HITAG® S256 ISO11784/11785 Compatible 256 Bit Read/write
HITAG® are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.
HF Chip
NTAG® 213 ISO14443A 180 Byte Read/write
NTAG® 215 540 Byte
NTAG® 216 924 Byte
NTAG® are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.
MIFARE Classic® 1K ISO14443A 1KB Read/write
MIFARE Classic® 4K 4KB
MIFARE Ultralight® EV1 640 Bit
MIFARE Ultralight® C 1184 Bit
MIFARE and MIFARE Classic® have registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.
MIFARE and MIFARE Ultralight® have registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.
MIFARE Plus® 1K ISO14443A 1KB Read/write
MIFARE and MIFARE Plus® have registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.
MIFARE® DESfire® EV1 2K ISO14443A 2KB Read/write
MIFARE® DESFire® have registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.
ICODE® SLIX ISO15693 1KB Read/write
ICODE® are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.
UHF Chip
چپ جو قسم پروٽوڪول Capacity


Alien Higgs-3 ISO 18000-6C 64 Bit/96 Bit/512 Bit Read /write
Alien Higgs-4 ISO 18000-6C 64 Bit/96 Bit/128 Bit Read /write
UCODE® 7 ISO 18000-6C 48 Bit/128 Bit/0 Bit Read /write
UCODE® 7m ISO 18000-6C 48 Bit/128 Bit/32 Bit Read /write
UCODE® 7xm ISO 18000-6C 48 Bit/448 Bit/1024Bit Read /write
UCODE® 7xm+ ISO 18000-6C 48 Bit/448 Bit/2048Bit Read /write
UCODE® DNA ISO 18000-6C 48 Bit/128 Bit/3072Bit Read /write
UCODE® G2XM ISO 18000-6C 64 Bit/240 Bit/512 Bit Read /write
UCODE® G2IM ISO 18000-6C 96 Bit/256 Bit/64 Bit Read /write
UCODE® 8 ISO 18000-6C    
UCODE® are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.
Monza 4QT ISO 18000-6C 48 Bit/128 Bit/512 Bit Read /write
Monza 4E ISO 18000-6C 48 Bit/496 Bit/128 Bit Read /write
Monza 4D ISO 18000-6C 48 Bit/128 Bit/32 Bit Read /write
Monza 5 ISO 18000-6C 48 Bit/128 Bit/0 Bit Read /write
Monza R6 ISO 18000-6C 48 Bit/96 Bit/0Bit Read /write
Monza R6-P ISO 18000-6C 48 Bit/128(96) Bit/32(640 Bit) Read /write
Monza S6-C ISO 18000-6C 48 Bit/96 Bit/32 Bit Read /write


Application of RFID wristbands in hotels

  • Guest Authentication and Access Control: Hotel guests may use RFID wristbands as an authentication method to manage their access to certain facilities, including restaurants, fitness centers, ۽ سوئمنگ پول. To accomplish quick and easy identity verification and access control, guests just need to wear an RFID wristband and feel it in the designated area.
  • Cashless payments and transactions: The hotel’s payment system can be linked to RFID wristbands to provide cashless payments and transactions. Convenience and security of payment are enhanced when guests may use RFID wristbands to pay at multiple hotel consumption points instead of carrying cash or credit cards.
  • Member points and discount management: RFID wristbands may be used by hotel visitors and members to track and manage member points, coupons, and other data. By wearing RFID wristbands, guests may take advantage of member-only discounts and incentives, increasing their loyalty and happiness.
  • Social interaction and sharing: To facilitate social interaction and sharing, several hotels have also used RFID wristbands. To improve the social ambiance and overall customer experience of the hotel, customers may wear RFID wristbands to check in, upload images, post status updates, and perform other activities in designated sections of the establishment.

    RFID wristbands may be used in hotels to increase visitor identification verification accuracy and convenience, streamline payments, improve member and offer administration, and encourage social sharing and engagement. These apps provide the hotel with greater revenue prospects and competitive benefits in addition to raising the standard of client service and experience.

پنهنجو پيغام ڇڏي ڏيو


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هڪ وڏي سرمائي صنعتي عمارت جنهن ۾ ڪيتريون ئي نيري رنگ واريون ونڊوز ۽ ٻه مکيه دروازا هڪ صاف سٿري هيٺان فخر سان بيٺا آهن., نيرو آسمان. علامت (لوگو) سان نشان لڳل "PBZ Business Park," اهو اسان جي "اسان جي باري ۾" کي ظاهر ڪري ٿو" پريميئر ڪاروباري حل مهيا ڪرڻ جو مشن.

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