آر ايف آئي ڊي ڌوٻي


نمايان مصنوعات

تازو خبرون

آر ايف آئي ڊي ڌوٻي

مختصر وضاحت:

RFID ڌوٻي جون شيون وڏي پيماني تي ڪيترن ئي شعبن ۾ استعمال ڪيا ويا آهن انهن جي بهترين ٽريڪنگ ۽ انتظام جي صلاحيتن ۽ استحڪام جي ڪري. اسپتالن ۾ صفائي ۽ حفاظت کي برقرار رکڻ لاء, it may simply monitor the use and cleaning of sheets, trays, canvas bags, and uniforms. RFID laundry cards are a vital component of effective item management in factories, warehouses, hotels, and amusement parks. اضافي طور تي, the device may be used in hotels and dry cleaners to enable laundry staff precisely monitor the number of times each item has been cleaned and its state. This will increase labor productivity and management accuracy. It is attached to sheets and fabrics. RFID laundry items enhance client happiness and service quality in addition to streamlining the item management process.

اسان کي اي ميل موڪليو

اسان سان حصيداري ڪريو:

پيداوار جي تفصيل

RFID ڌوٻي جون شيون وڏي پيماني تي ڪيترن ئي شعبن ۾ استعمال ڪيا ويا آهن انهن جي بهترين ٽريڪنگ ۽ انتظام جي صلاحيتن ۽ استحڪام جي ڪري. اسپتالن ۾ صفائي ۽ حفاظت کي برقرار رکڻ لاء, it may simply monitor the use and cleaning of sheets, trays, canvas bags, and uniforms. RFID laundry cards are a vital component of effective item management in factories, warehouses, hotels, and amusement parks. اضافي طور تي, the device may be used in hotels and dry cleaners to enable laundry staff precisely monitor the number of times each item has been cleaned and its state. This will increase labor productivity and management accuracy. It is attached to sheets and fabrics. RFID laundry items enhance client happiness and service quality in addition to streamlining the item management process.

rfid laundry (3)



Product Name UHF laundry button tag
مواد PPS
Storage Temperature -40℃~ +220℃
chip NXP Unicode 9
size Φ18*2.2mm
رنگ Black
Installation Easy to insert or clothing products
پروٽوڪول ISO /IEC 18000-6C& EPC C1 G2
Frequency 902-928MHz, 865~868MHz (Can customize frequency)
RoHS Compatible
Waterproofing grade IP68
Read distance 2~4M
Packaging technology Secondary injection molding
Data storage 10 Years
Erasing frequency 10 Years
Installation Easy to insert clothing products
Options Surface laser, surface LOGO screen printing, pre-encoding, surface pattern processing, surface printing.

rfid laundry (4)



Question 1: Can I request a sample before placing an order?
اي: Sure, please inform us of your needs and we will provide the sample for you to examine.
What is the duration of your delivery time?
اي: We will mail out modest orders that are in stock in 1-2 ڪم ڪندڙ ڏينهن. Depending on the number of orders, it will take around 5 جي طرف 10 working days for bulk or bespoke orders.
Q3: Do you take orders from OEMs?
اي: Indeed.OEM and ODM orders are welcome.
Q4: What is the minimum order quantity?
اي: Generally, depending on the goods, it’s 100 pieces.
What does plate fee mean?
A plate-making charge can apply if your requirements for customization vary from our usual approach in terms of size, logo, and workmanship.
Q6: How can you ensure that your items are of a high caliber?
A1: Strict detection throughout manufacturing and complete testing prior to delivery.
A2: Carefully inspecting samples of items before to shipping and ensuring that the packing is undamaged.



پنهنجو پيغام ڇڏي ڏيو


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هڪ وڏي سرمائي صنعتي عمارت جنهن ۾ ڪيتريون ئي نيري رنگ واريون ونڊوز ۽ ٻه مکيه دروازا هڪ صاف سٿري هيٺان فخر سان بيٺا آهن., نيرو آسمان. علامت (لوگو) سان نشان لڳل "PBZ Business Park," اهو اسان جي "اسان جي باري ۾" کي ظاهر ڪري ٿو" پريميئر ڪاروباري حل مهيا ڪرڻ جو مشن.

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ٺاهيندڙ Rfid Tag [ٿوڪ | OEM | او ڊي ايم]
رازداري جو جائزو

هي ويب سائيٽ ڪوڪيز استعمال ڪري ٿي ته جيئن اسان توهان کي بهترين صارف تجربو مهيا ڪري سگهون. ڪوڪيز جي معلومات توهان جي برائوزر ۾ ذخيرو ٿيل آهي ۽ اهي ڪم سرانجام ڏئي ٿي جيئن توهان کي سڃاڻڻ جڏهن توهان اسان جي ويب سائيٽ تي واپس وڃو ۽ اسان جي ٽيم کي اهو سمجهڻ ۾ مدد ڏيو ته توهان کي ويب سائيٽ جا ڪهڙا حصا تمام دلچسپ ۽ ڪارائتو نظر اچن ٿا..