ڌوئڻ لائق RFID


نمايان مصنوعات

تازو خبرون

Product: ڌوئڻ لائق RFID - A circular black disc with an off-center oval cutout, designed with washable RFID technology for improved durability.

مختصر وضاحت:

ڌوئڻ لائق RFID ٽيڪنالاجي حقيقي وقت جي پيداوار جي پوزيشن ۽ مقدار حاصل ڪرڻ سان انوینٽري جي انتظام کي وڌائي ٿي, غلطين کي گھٽائڻ ۽ دستي ڳڻپ تي خرچ ٿيل وقت. It also provides strong anti-theft and in-store product management capabilities, enabling real-time recording of item movement by shelf scanners and access control scanners. These tags are used in laundry, garment production, and warehouse inventory. PPS plastic UHF RFID passive laundry labels are ideal for high-volume, high-pressure washing processes, ensuring efficient and reliable monitoring.

اسان کي اي ميل موڪليو

اسان سان حصيداري ڪريو:

پيداوار جي تفصيل

Washable RFID technology is essential to inventory management. This technology greatly increases the accuracy and efficiency of inventory management by acquiring the position and amount of goods in real time. This allows businesses to make prompt and flexible adjustments to their production strategy.

In particular, whether products are kept on shelves or in warehouses, RFID readers can quickly identify and monitor their number and position when they are fitted with washable RFID tags. In addition to significantly lowering the mistake rate and time expenditure associated with manual inventory counting, this management technique guarantees accurate and up-to-date data.

ان کان سواء, washable RFID tags provide strong anti-theft and in-store product management capabilities. Real-time recording of the movement of items may be achieved by shelf scanners and access control scanners by the attachment or insertion of RFID tags on product packaging. This efficiently deters merchandise theft while also assisting retailers in monitoring inventory levels and sales at all times to refill and modify sales tactics as needed. Because the access control scanner will instantly sound an alert to protect the products if items with RFID tags are removed from the shop without permission.

ڌوئڻ لائق RFID



ماپ Φ24.5*T2.5mm with hole
Housing Material PPS
Optional Chip HF NFC chips (reading range 0~8cm)

UHF RFID chips (reading range 0~10m)

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مواد PPS or ECO-material Silicone
ماپ customized
رنگ black or customized
RFID style ايل ايف: 125KHz
ايڇ ايف: 13.56MHz
UHF: 860MHz-960MHz
Chip 125KHz(4100 رپيا、ايم 4200、تي 5577、EM4305,EM4395Hitag 1、Hitag 2、Hitag S……) 13.56MHz(FM11RF08Mifare1 S50Mifare1 S70Ultralight
NTAG213/215/216I-CODE2TI2048SRI512……)860MHz-960MHz(UCODE GEN2ALIEN H3IMPINJ M4R6PU8U9)
Or any customized chip
Available craft single color logo silk printing, laser numbering or UID number, encoding etc
Working temperature -30℃~220℃
Main Features 1. High temperature resistance.
2. Pressure resistance.
3. Corrosion resistance.
4. Waterproof and Durable.
5. Customized designed.
درخواست widely used in laundry, high-quality garment, school uniforms, special garments, clothing production management, product tracking,
warehouse inventory.

ڌوئڻ لائق RFID 01


Custom Heat Resistant Washable labels

Because of its superior heat and wash durability, this PPS plastic UHF RFID passive laundry label is perfect for the dry cleaning sector. The label is composed of a material that is very thin, soft, and flexible. Depending on the requirements of the washing process, it may be sewn, گرمي بند, or bagged onto fabrics with ease.

This RFID laundry label was created specifically to fulfill the demanding specifications of high-volume, high-pressure washing processes. It not only makes laundry operations easier to oversee and control, but it also successfully prolongs the life of equipment. We have tested the label in real-world washing settings more than 200 times to guarantee its functionality and robustness. The results demonstrate that this label can withstand abrasive washing conditions, giving laundries a durable and dependable monitoring option.

To improve the efficiency and smoothness of your laundry operations while guaranteeing that the monitoring and washing of every article of clothing can be precisely regulated, choose our PPS plastic UHF RFID passive laundry label.

ڌوئڻ لائق RFID 02ڌوئڻ لائق RFID 03

پنهنجو پيغام ڇڏي ڏيو


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هڪ وڏي سرمائي صنعتي عمارت جنهن ۾ ڪيتريون ئي نيري رنگ واريون ونڊوز ۽ ٻه مکيه دروازا هڪ صاف سٿري هيٺان فخر سان بيٺا آهن., نيرو آسمان. علامت (لوگو) سان نشان لڳل "PBZ Business Park," اهو اسان جي "اسان جي باري ۾" کي ظاهر ڪري ٿو" پريميئر ڪاروباري حل مهيا ڪرڻ جو مشن.

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ٺاهيندڙ Rfid Tag [ٿوڪ | OEM | او ڊي ايم]
رازداري جو جائزو

هي ويب سائيٽ ڪوڪيز استعمال ڪري ٿي ته جيئن اسان توهان کي بهترين صارف تجربو مهيا ڪري سگهون. ڪوڪيز جي معلومات توهان جي برائوزر ۾ ذخيرو ٿيل آهي ۽ اهي ڪم سرانجام ڏئي ٿي جيئن توهان کي سڃاڻڻ جڏهن توهان اسان جي ويب سائيٽ تي واپس وڃو ۽ اسان جي ٽيم کي اهو سمجهڻ ۾ مدد ڏيو ته توهان کي ويب سائيٽ جا ڪهڙا حصا تمام دلچسپ ۽ ڪارائتو نظر اچن ٿا..