RFID Keyfob

A key fob contains a short-range radio transmitter/radio frequency identification (RFID) chip and antenna. It uses radio frequencies to send a distinct coded signal to a receiver unit in the device. This receiver also contains an RFID tag, which is some form of stored information. RFID key fobs have the same functionality as RFID smart cards. Zvisinei, RFID kiyi fobs, also referred to as smart keys or simply RFID key fobs, are much more compact, practical and robust. Thanks to these features and their intuitive handling, the smart keys are often used in the areas of access control and time recording. Further advantages of the RFID key fob are the extremely high durability and their robustness against external influences.


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Ina * rfid kiyi fob programming (1)* zvishandiso, imwe neimwe ine kiyi mhete yakabatanidzwa, dzakarongedzerwa pane chena kumashure. Maviri efobs akatsvuka uye maviri akasvibira.

RFID Smart Key Fob

RFID Smart Key Fobs inowanikwa mune akasiyana mavara, kudhinda sarudzo uye tekinoroji yepedyo yekuzivikanwa uye kuongororwa. They also provide encoding of personal and financial information

Maketani maviri ane denderedzwa fob zvakanamatira: imwe tsvuku uye imwe yero, zvose nemhete dzekiyi dzesirivha, kuratidza mhando dze rfid kiyi fob.

rfid kiyi fob marudzi

RFID kiyi fob mhando dzakachengeteka yekuwana yekudzora michina inosanganisira RFID tekinoroji. Kubva kuFujian, China, vanopa sarudzo dzekudzivirira mvura / mamiriro ekunze uye dzinogona kugadziridzwa nemavara uye yekukurukurirana interface. They

Seti yemakiyi masere ane mavara akasiyana-siyana, kusanganisira yebhuruu, tsvuku, yero, girinhi, orenji, uye grey, imwe neimwe yakanamatira mhete yekiyi yesimbi.

Mifare Key Fobs

MIFARE makiyi fobs haabatike, inotakurika, uye zviri nyore kushandisa zvishandiso zvinogona kugadzirwa kuti zvikwane zvakasiyana-siyana. They are available in various colors and sizes and can be used with

Chivako chihombe chegireyi cheindasitiri chine mahwindo akawanda-tinted eblue nemasuo makuru maviri anomira zvinodadisa pasi pepakajeka, denga rebhuruu. Yakanyorwa nechiratidzo "PBZ Business Park," inomiririra yedu "About Us" basa rekupa premier bhizinesi mhinduro.

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