Summada RFID

RFID labels are a simple way to identify a product or object so that it can be wirelessly detected, ensuring traceability. An RFID tag is a small, intelligent device that stores data and can transmit it through radio-frequency signals. The information and traceability it sends about a product can be quickly and automatically captured by a signal receiver. RFID labels are often used in stores to keep track of inventory and make sure that the right products are in the right places. They can also be used in libraries to keep track of books, or in warehouses to keep track of shipments. RFID labels can be a way to allow businesses to communicate information wirelessly, which can be really helpful in a lot of different situations.


Alaabta sifaysan

Wararkii ugu dambeeyay

Soft Anti Metal Label

Soft Anti Metal Label

Soft anti-metal label are crucial for asset management and transportation, especially for tracking metal products. These tags are essential for warehousing and logistics, enabling quick and accurate monitoring of assets,…

NFC Label

NFC Label

NFC Label is used in various applications such as mobile payments, data transfer, smart posters, and access control. They allow users to exchange data through proximity or touch operations, ensuring

A large round diamond is elegantly showcased on a silver ring, complemented by an RFID Jewelry Tag for added style and secure tracking.

Tags Jewelry RFID

UHF RFID Jewelry Tags waa wax la beddeli karo, designed for jewelry management and security. These tags, also known as jewelry anti-theft tags or EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) jewelry anti-theft tags, have RFID

RFID Library Tag

RFID Library Tag

RFID Library Tag uses RFID technology to automate data collection, self-service borrowing and returning, book inventory, and other functions in libraries. It also aids in anti-theft, library card management, iyo…

Dhisme warshadeed weyn oo cawl leh oo leh daaqado badan oo buluug ah iyo laba albaab oo waaweyn ayaa si sharaf leh hoostooda ugu taagan, cirka buluuga ah. Lagu calaamadeeyay astaanta "PBZ Business Park," Waxay ka kooban tahay annaga "Annaga" Ujeeddada bixinta xalalka ganacsiga ugu horreeya.

Nala Soo Xidhiidh


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